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Too many 'thought leaders'

These days everyone purports to be an expert - but are they really?

Back in the day, there were industry experts – knowledgeable individuals who'd earned their stripes in the field or devoted their careers to researching their special interest topic.

The social media age has seen their once sparse ranks swelled by the emergence of a plethora of "thought leaders" professing to have the drum on everything from compulsive shopping to the art of getting a good night's sleep.

They're merrily tweeting, blogging, and curating articles on their LinkedIn feeds – but how many people actually follow the thoughts of these often self-styled experts?

What distinguishes a genuine thought leader from the plethora of try-hards cluttering up the ether and irritating their connections with their second-hand, self-promotional musings?

Having something interesting to say – and the expertise to back it up, says entrepreneur Matt Barrie, the founder of listed online outsourcing marketplace, who could lay a reasonable claim to the title himself.

A poster boy for the high-tech start-up sector in Australia, Barrie lectures in cryptography and entrepreneurship at the University of Sydney, writes for BRW, blogs occasionally and is in demand as a speaker.


His opinions are sought frequently by his industry peers, government bodies and the media.

Barrie says his profile as an influencer has come as a by-product of his professional and business endeavours but has never been an end in itself. Being a true thought leader is about raising issues you're interested in and feel passionately about, not a self-promotional strategy, he says.

"I don't think it's a title you can give to yourself … It's a compliment if people take an issue and agree or want to debate. [Thought leadership] needs to be engaging."

Marketing commentator Adam Ferrier says while touting yourself as an expert is easily done, the reach and influence of many who do so is questionable.

"As formal education structures break down and as the information we all have access to increases exponentially, it makes it easy for people to pick a niche piece of knowledge and become an expert, or thought leader, on something," he says.

"I wonder if a lot of thought leadership, especially in the social media area, is self-described thought leaders, just talking to other self-described thought leaders. All the thought leaders are just being each other's audience."

The genuine article meanwhile is a somewhat scarcer commodity.

"A real thought leader changes a paradigm or way we think about something at a fundamental level," Ferrier says.

"[Malcolm] Gladwell introduced the concepts of 'the tipping point', [Daniel] Kahneman introduced us to 'thinking fast and slow', [Richard] Branson taught us how to make money whilst being a consumer champion – all genuine thought leaders."

Sharing useful information is the key to being seen as one in the long term, according to social media consultant Catriona Pollard, who's written an e-book on the subject, entitled From Unknown to Expert.

That doesn't mean firing off a barrage of tweets every day for three months or writing blog posts which parrot the opinions or research of others.

"You have to really think about what your area of expertise is," Pollard says.

"You should have knowledge which others don't have which will help people … If it's just for self-promotion and sales, people will know that and it's not going to work. It becomes tacky."

If you think you've got the goods and want to share, devote 90 per cent of your efforts to imparting knowledge and 10 per cent or less to selling yourself, Pollard counsels.

"People won't follow you unless you're giving away interesting and valuable content."

Too few do, says Fred Schebesta, serial entrepreneur and co-founder of the personal finance comparison site

While the internet and social media have handed everyone a virtual megaphone, the noisiest folk are as likely to be empty vessels regurgitating the views of others as experts with something worthwhile to impart.

"Over time, the thought leaders you should be listening to are the ones with real practical experience, research backed ideas or raw natural talent," Schebesta says.

"The rest is just noise and should be blocked out, just like any annoying pest. Just look up someone's Twitter followers and see that no one is mentioning them and you will see that it's arbitrary that they are calling themselves a thought leader."

Are you a thought leader, or trying to become one? Has social media given us too many wannabes? Share your thoughts in the Comments.