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The sky's the limit for NEXTDC

Delve into the local data centre with revenue growth of 3626 per cent.

The first thing you notice when you walk into data centre operator NEXTDC's Sydney facility is that the business is serious about security.

Not one but two fingerprint impressions are taken, with the prints saved as an algorithm and stored on your identity access card.

No one gets into the building – the front of which is made from bullet-resistant glass – without security clearance. The airlock entrance offers extra protection, just in case an intruder is able to climb the 2.1-metre anti-scale fence that surrounds the facility. More than 160 cameras monitor the building.

It's fair to say this is one of the most important buildings in Australia. If you have an email address or mobile phone, your messages may have passed through this building.

NEXTDC chief executive Craig Scroggie says this is where the cloud lives.

He's not referring to the ones in the sky. He's talking about a technology paradigm known as cloud computing. It's a wonderfully whimsical term that conjures images of the massive amounts of data that fly almost instantaneously around the world somewhere up in the sky.


The reality is somewhat different. In layman's terms, cloud computing refers to the network of interconnected computer servers that store and send information around the world. Mostly, these computers  are in buildings like NEXTDC's data centres – Scroggie calls them hotels for computers – as organisations have increasingly realised there's no point investing in expensive IT hardware when they can outsource this more effectively to third-party businesses.

Businesses and the public sector are flocking to the cloud computing model. So much so that the publicly listed NEXTDC has had revenue growth of 3626 per cent over the past three years.

Although the company is breaking even after investing about $250 million to roll-out its five data centres across Australia, it has forecast revenue of between $51 million and $55 million for the 2015 financial year. Unforeseen circumstances notwithstanding, it's all upside from there.

"I've never seen so much change as we've seen over the past six months. Businesses are prepared to take on more risk now than at any other time; they are trying new things and they are less concerned about security issues because we can prove we have proper security credentials," Scroggie says.

There are other factors driving the growth of data centres, such as the rise of big data, consolidation of smaller data centres and further growth in internet traffic.

Frost & Sullivan research shows the data centre services market grew by an extremely healthy 17.2 per cent in 2013 to $698 million.

It's expected the market will enjoy an average compound annual growth rate of 13.9 per cent until 2020, which will underscore NEXTDC's earnings potential.

NEXTDC is the only data centre of its kind with a truly national footprint.

In terms of the competitive landscape, Gartner estimates there are 50 data centres in Australia, but there are only 10 with more than 1000 "racks", which is a frame that can store up to 46 servers.

Research by investment bank UBS shows that NEXTDC's closest competitors are Equinix and Global Switch. All three are not aligned with any one telco.

All the major telcos have their own data centres, as do technology businesses such as IBM and Fujitsu. There are also corporate and government-owned data centres. But NEXTDC leads the pack.

Despite the lovely images the expression cloud computing conjures, an examination of the bowels of NEXTDC's data centre shows that when it comes down to it, making sure the internet works is very much a manual task. Cables don't plug themselves into servers. A human has to do it. NEXTDC's Sydney building covers 17,650 square metres, of which computers are stored in 5600 square metres. That's an awful lot of computers that need to be plugged in.

So which businesses and government agencies store their servers at NEXTDC's facilities? For the most part, that's a closely guarded secret, although 37 different telecommunication providers – local and global – have feeds into the NEXTDC's network (17 at the Sydney data centre), which gives you some idea of the scope of the operation.

Its clients are telcos, some of the world's biggest businesses, local big and small businesses and government agencies. Aside from offering the physical security of its servers, clients pay NEXTDC to maintain a constant temperature in the building and for an uninterrupted power supply.

The most impressive part of the operation is the way energy is managed. Power supply from the grid is very reliable but it can be put under pressure, especially when it gets hot.

"This puts a strain on the grid and you can get a brown-out. If we sense this is happening, we can take ourselves off the grid to relieve the pressure on it," Scroggie explains.

NEXTDC has two back-up energy systems. The first is a network of 4.5-tonne flywheels, each spinning at 3300rpm and storing enough energy to keep the building powered for up to 14 seconds. That is more than enough time for the diesel engines – the primary power backup system – to start. The facility can store 110,000 litres of fuel for those engines, enough to power the building for a minimum of 24 hours in the unlikely event of a lengthy grid outage.

Recently named as the fastest-growing business in this year's Deloitte's Fast 50 technology awards, as well as sixth in the Deloitte Fast 500 for the Asia-Pacific region, NEXTDC is on a roll.

Asked if he's worried about being disrupted by a new, improved version of the data centre, Scroggie says his customers are the disrupters.

His business model also challenged the status quo for data centres.

"Customers used to pay upfront [for technology services], no matter if they derived value or not. But now the customer pays for what they get value for, so the risk is shifted back to the supplier. We'll only be successful as customers grow and we'll change as customers change. So we've got to continue to disrupt and focus on driving a culture of innovation," he says.