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The rise of Generation Z

You've met Alex from Target, now get ready for the rest of his cohort.

Like it or not, the next generation is coming. In just a few years, Generation Z will be moving into the workforce in droves.

How will this new generation – born after 1995 and raised by helicopter parents – relate to bosses 50 years their senior? Conversely, how will baby boomer bosses deal with the most overindulged kids in history?

"It's too early to say," says social researcher Hugh Mackay, who has written extensively on generational differences. "They've been over-praised and over-rewarded. I can see them being very tough employees who will expect a gold star for everything. That's what they're used to – getting a prize for just turning up."

The Z question is raised in recruitment firm Hudson's worldwide survey of generations – The Great Generational Shift. For the first time, it says, four generations will be working together. The Hudson report is about understanding how the three current generations interrelate within the workforce, based on 28,000 psychometrically tested respondents. Generation Z did not feature.

Mackay, who has just published his book The Art of Belonging, sends out this warning to prospective employers: "Many in Generation Z will find the world of work challenging. We already see a hint of it in Gen Y – parents who turn up at school at the drop of a hat are likely to turn up and check on their kids in the workplace."

What traits drive baby boomers (1946-64), Gen X (1965-79) and Gen Y (1980-94) respectively? Understand the characteristics, says Hudson's report, and employers can then deploy talent according to demographic strengths. For instance, it found that baby boomers are strongest in traditional leadership characteristics such as "leading", "decision-making", "motivating" and "persuasion".


Gen Y are hopeless by comparison, but fare well in other areas. They excel at abstract and conceptual thinking, which suits a data-driven world. Their curiosity and insight is sharper and they have far greater technical competency than preceding generations.

Gen Y also excel at "people orientation" says Clea Wallage, a psychologist and member of Hudson Talent Management's regional operations assessment team, but this may be due more to age than circumstance, based on the rise of social media. This accords with Mackay's view of Gen Y, whom he describes as "tribal".

"They're the hugging generation," he says. "Leadership is less important than belonging. They hunt in packs, sometimes going to a job interview with two or three of their mates."

While boomers are leaders, many now lack optimism after being ravaged by redundancies during the GFC, says Wallage. "The boomers have had to experience workplace uncertainty and global financial pressures at a stage of life that leaves them particularly vulnerable, which cannot help but have an impact on their optimism levels."

Bernard Salt, the demographics partner at KPMG and author of The Big Tilt, calls Generation Y the most educated generation in history and says Generation Z will be even better qualified.

"Gen Y are simply smarter than boomers at the same stage of their life cycle. They're better travelled and more worldly in thinking. They're less likely to be married, with a mortgage and children, in their 20s than were the boomers."

This spills over into the workplace, Salt says. While the baby boomers played the hierarchical game, Gen Y couldn't be less interested. They'll toss a job in easily, he says, as they always have their boomer mums and dads to fall back on. It's also why we're seeing such enormous entrepreneurial activity from this generation.

"They have a patent on disruption," Salt says. "Gen Y invented the term. This differentiates them from preceding generations – they're extraordinarily creative and entrepreneurial, but part of that may be because they have mum and dad as a safety net. They can follow their own intuition."

Generation X, sandwiched somewhere between the two extremes, are considered socially progressive and culturally sensitive, according to the Hudson data. Mackay says Generation X have had a dream run: "They didn't have to be social pioneers. The baby boomers did all the asserting of the rights of women and minorities. They're the slipstream generation who found life pretty straightforward. "They've found employment easier than Gen Y and experienced a less competitive educational market. Relative to the others they're more relaxed."

Salt has a different view: "I'd call Gen X the pissed off generation. They didn't have the opportunities that baby boomers had and they've not been as highly feted as Gen Y has been – certainly prior to the GFC.

"They kind of missed out – they had to pay university fees while boomers got free education, they had to deal with real unemployment spikes at 10 per cent-plus in the early 1990s and they've had to work under baby boomer management. I reckon they might feel a bit put upon, but they're coming into their own right now."

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