Small Business

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The entrepreneurs overcoming adversity

Australian entrepreneurs struggle daily with market competitors and rising costs, but few stare down the disadvantages faced by their newly arrived counterparts.

Iranian refugee Sima Mahboobifard came to Australia in 2013 with dreams of starting a new life for herself, her mother and her 27-year-old son.

After fleeing Iran, the trio spent three years in Turkey before receiving permission to live in Australia.

"The hardest part was I didn't have the right to live and work in my home country," she says through an interpreter.

"And living in Turkey was a struggle because mum was sick and my son needed things I couldn't give him.

"I'm very happy to be in Australia now."


With the help of Australian humanitarian organisation Settlement Services International, the single mother started making leather handbags, book covers and wallets. It was a skill Mahboobifard practised in Iran, but she says because she was of the Baha'i faith she was not allowed to start her own business.

After two months in Australia, the Sydney entrepreneur fulfilled her dream and launched Bags of Love and Peace.

"I was hoping I would start my own business and I accomplished it," she says.

"In Iran I did not have opportunity to succeed, but in Australia I have help and support from Settlement Services International and they showed me places where I could introduce and sell my products.

"I feel I can now invest in my product and I can succeed."

Hundreds of business-minded refugees will start new ventures in Australia with the support of SSI's Ignite Small Business Start-Ups.

The government-funded program began 12 months ago with 100 refugees nationwide putting up their hands to receive entrepreneurial support. Of those, 14 have started their own business.

SSI chief executive Violet Roumeliotis says support and guidance was all it took for these ambitious refugees to get on the right track.

"Every single refugee who comes here has suffered persecution, has trouble speaking English and has health issues, which could be torture and trauma," she says.

"What was so amazing to us is a great number of them are extremely enterprising.

"They've come from a place where there's no welfare state and they've had to think on their feet to survive."

Enterprise facilitators in the Ignite initiative show refugees how to navigate legal paperwork and government red tape, as well as the basics of business planning and marketing.

Ignite has $200,000 in annual funding for the next three years, but Roumeliotis says SSI is hoping sponsorship will extend the life of the program.

"There's nothing more rewarding than seeing that transformation of someone who has come here fleeing persecution to someone regaining a sense of belonging, engagement and purpose," she says.

Artist Bassam Jabar is another success story. After fleeing Iraq to live in Syria, he came to Australia a year ago and is now building a small business here.

His paintings, glass etchings and drawings have already attracted the attention of notable art galleries including Kirra Galleries at Melbourne's Federation Square.

There were big hurdles to overcome in the first year of establishing himself as a resident and businessman in Australia, Jabar says.

"My first difficulty that I faced is the fluency in English language," he says through an interpreter.

"The other difficulty is the hardship to getting approval for doing my own exhibition because of the long waiting list."

In Iraq, Jabar could only practise art as a hobby, but always had high hopes of starting an arts business. Since being accepted into Australia, he has become determined to achieve his goal.

"When I paint canvas and see the nice impression on people's face and enjoyment I feel so glad," he says.

 "In the past, when I was in Iraq, I did not feel free to practise my art as a professional artist because of factors such as being threatened by radical people.

"Here in Australia I could start in the right way and practise my art in a business with a high range of freedom and I believe that I can achieve a successful business and become a famous artist that Australia can be proud of."