
How I raised $35 million

As another year draws to a close, it's all too easy to start looking ahead to the goals we plan to kick in 2015.

But before we officially call time on 2014, why not give yourself a pat on the back for what you have achieved in the past 12 months.

When we asked small-business owners to share some of their proudest moments in 2014, their answers were many and varied.

For Chris Strode, founder of invoicing app Invoice2Go, it was raising $35 million so he could forge ahead with expanding overseas. For Troy Douglas and Drew Bilbe, founders of Nexba, it was getting their natural ice tea into Coles Supermarkets and Coles Express service stations. For Queensland psychic Sarah Yip,  it was doing a reading for Ellen DeGeneres, one of the celebrities on her bucket list.

For Emma Merkas and her husband Denis, owners of Melt: Massage for Couples, what made 2014 a pure joy was the feeling of starting a business that was an instant winner.

The couple had spent the past five years pouring their energy into another business, $30 Date Night, before deciding at the end of 2013 that it was time to break up with the flagging business.


"We never really got around to monetising it very well," says Emma. "We thought once we get enough traffic we'll be able to monetise it by putting ads on [the website] and maybe charging for premium products."

As they walked away from one business, they saw a chance to take a different tack with another project.

 "We had been teaching couples how to massage through seminars and … at the end of last year we had the opportunity to put it onto video and sell it online," says Emma.

They launched their website and video in February and struck gold.

"That's been a business that's made money right away. We've been selling the course to thousands of couples all over the world."

Next year they plan to move to the United States for a few months to be close to one of their biggest markets. "It has been a complete turnaround in 12 months," says Emma.

Jonathan Sharp's high-five moment of 2014: seizing the day when his franchise operator pulled the plug on his business. "The group ran five franchised offices all offering small-business marketing services," he explains. "I had been a franchise owner for the past couple of years and was starting to get to a good place with work and regular clients." Then a couple of months ago he got a call from the franchise head office. "The group was closing down and would cease to exist."

It turned out to be a "crisatunity" for Sharp. He contacted two of the other franchise owners who had skill sets different from his, and the trio agreed to work together.

"Overnight I went from a franchise owner to a company director with three offices. Ripple Marketing was born."

Starting a new business is definitely one reason to celebrate; going the distance is another. Bianca Kristallis, founder of Pamper Hamper Gifts , marked 10 years in business this year. Did she ever doubt she would reach the milestone? Yes, she says: "In the early stages of the business when I wasn't making any money and it seemed all too hard to keep it going."

At that time she almost sold her business to someone who could see its potential and that she was emotionally exhausted. "I was pregnant with twins and going through a marriage breakdown and I thought life would become much more simplified if I sold it," she says.

Fortunately, she found the determination to make "her baby" work; a massive corporate order came her way and she didn't cave in and sell her business.

"I reinvested the money back into the business and it's been growing and thriving every year since."

For Justine McKell, owner of McKell Media , 2014 will go down as the year when she finally cleared the hurdle of taking on her first employee. "It sounds such a small thing but it was such a big thing for me."

She had been hesitating about making her first hire for several years, relying instead on freelancers and contractors.

"I think I was scared to commit to the business," she says. She was also worried about paying a wage if she lost a client.

So how did she get past her fears? Working with entrepreneurs and a business-life coach helped give her the push she needed. "I also got over myself sitting on the fence and not taking the plunge. You always regret what you don't do.

"The only thing I regret now is not hiring sooner."


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