Scholarly Comments on Academic Economics


EJW Audio

The voice of Econ Journal Watch

Lawrence H. White, the voice of EJW Audio The host of EJW Audio is Lawrence H. White, a co-editor of EJW and professor of economics at George Mason University.

In a typical EJW Audio podcast, Professor White and the author of a recent EJW article discuss that article and related issues.

Benny Carlson on Swedish Economists

Drawing on his EJW article coauthored with Lars Jonung, Benny Carlson discusses the remarkable tradition of public discourse actuated by the five titans of Swedish economics, Knut Wicksell, Gustav Cassel, Eli Heckscher, Bertil Ohlin, and Gunnar Myrdal. Carlson touches on the great liberal economist Anders Chydenius (1729–1803), and, since Myrdal’s time, on the prominent Swedish economists aligned with Wicksell’s own avowed calling, to educate the Swedish people.

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Shruti Rajagopalan on Liberalism in India

Shruti Rajagopalan narrates the history of liberal ideas and policy in India, from the 1920s to today, based on her coauthored article “Liberalism in India.” The conversation mentions B. R. Shenoy’s 1955 “Note of Dissent” (regarding the Planning Commission’s draft of the Second Five Year Plan), the brief text of which may be found on the website of the India Policy Institute (link, .pdf).

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Arthur Melzer on the History, Analysis, and Significance of Esotericism (Part II)

Arthur Melzer is the author of the landmark book Philosophy Between the Lines: The Lost History of Esoteric Writing (University of Chicago Press, 2014). A chapter of the book, “A Beginner’s Guide to Esoteric Reading,” on techniques and devices used in esoteric writing, was republished in the May 2015 issue of EJW. The conversation, however, takes up Melzer’s entire book. The conversation is long and covers most of the important ideas of the book, and is divided into two parts.

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Arthur Melzer on the History, Analysis, and Significance of Esotericism (Part I)

Arthur Melzer is the author of the landmark book Philosophy Between the Lines: The Lost History of Esoteric Writing (University of Chicago Press, 2014). A chapter of the book, “A Beginner’s Guide to Esoteric Reading,” on techniques and devices used in esoteric writing, was republished in the May 2015 issue of EJW. The conversation, however, takes up Melzer’s entire book. The conversation is long and covers most of the important ideas of the book, and is divided into two parts.

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