MPV's Statement on Police Brutality, Excessive force, and Systematic Racism

(Originally published November 14, 2014 )

Muslims for Progressive Values expresses its deep concern regarding the increased reports of brutality and excessive use of force used by American police. There is also a pattern of systematic institutional racism that contributes to such issues. We hope that our elected officials and the general public as a whole confront these issues head on to fix a problem that has been plaguing this country since its inception.

MPV supports the statement of the United Nations Committee Against Torture regarding concerns of frequent and recurrent police shootings or fatal pursuits of unarmed black individuals.

We call on the UN to support the monitoring of the progress of U.S. law enforcement tactics that directly address cultural competency and interracial relations. We also support the investigation of humanitarian relief efforts to eradicate race related incidences.

MPV stands firmly with the idea that justice and compassion should be the guiding principles for all aspects of human conduct. MPV believes that these principles will help eradicate the problems that come with racism and implicit bias. We also believe that productive dialogue across the country is imperative for the betterment of our country’s race relations.

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