
Alexander Downer suggests including Indonesia or China in the Trans-Pacific Partnership

London: Former Foreign Minister Alexander Downer is pressing the possibility of subbing Indonesia or China into the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) now President Donald Trump has withdrawn the United States from the trade deal.

But the Trade Minister Steve Ciobo is stressing Australia's bilateral trade deals and touting the likelihood of the deal going ahead without the United States - the so-called 12 minus one option.

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President Donald Trump has signed memorandums to pull the US out of the proposed TPP, freezing most federal government hiring and reinstating a ban on providing federal money to international groups that perform abortions.

Mr Downer spent most of Tuesday at 11 Downing Street for talks with the Chancellor of the Exchequer Phillip Hammond and Treasurer Scott Morrison who is in London and Frankfurt this week for talks.

Mr Downer said they discussed housing policy and Brexit.

Speaking earlier in his capacity as Australia's High Commissioner to Britain, Mr Downer told the BBC's Radio 4 President Trump's move was a "real set-back."

"I don't think we should have any illusions about that, obviously it's very disappointing," he told the Today program. 


"But our point is why would you give up?" 

"We want to see what else we can do," Mr Downer said. He said adding in a new country like China would be "desirable."

"Twelve minus one is one possibility, maybe adding other countries like Indonesia and China to the TPP and get that ratified, there are all sorts of options and we're not ruling any of them out at the moment.

"Basically from Australia's point of view we want to reach out and achieve free trade with as many countries as we can, we already have a free trade agreement with China," he said.

But speaking from the United States, Trade Minister Steve Ciobo focused on securing a 12 minus one arrangement. 

"I was very buoyed this past week, to have had conversations with a number of trade ministers from a number of different TPP countries, who, as I said, were still very focused on trying to capture the benefits that we were able to agree," he told the ABC. 

Mr Ciobo emphasised that Australia had already struck free trade agreements with China and the United States and would not speculate on whether Beijing would fill the space vacated by President Trump.

"What China decides to do is ultimately, of course, a decision for China," he said.

"From Australia's perspective, I'm going to continue to open market access. We're in negotiations right now with Indonesia and I hope to conclude a trade agreement with Indonesia this year."

Australia's pursuit of a TPP without the United States is at odds with Japan - the other country alongside the United States that needs to ratify the deal for it to come into force.

"We want to continue persuading the US of the strategic and economic benefits," Trade Minister Hiroshige Seko told reporters. 

"Among countries involved in the basic TPP agreement, it is extremely important that the largest economy, the US, is included. We will continue to remind the US of this tenaciously."

But Mr Ciobo said "things have moved on" when asked about Japan's position and said it was being outweighed by enthusiasm of the other participatory countries.

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