Health Minister Jillian Skinner with retiring Premier Mike Baird. Picture: Supplied
media_cameraHealth Minister Jillian Skinner with retiring Premier Mike Baird. Picture: Supplied

Health Minister Jillian Skinner supports Treasurer Gladys Berejiklian as next premier following Mike Baird retirement

HEALTH Minister Jillian Skinner is backing Treasurer Gladys Berejiklian as the next premier of NSW.

Mike Baird shocked his cabinet colleagues when he announced his retirement from politics this morning citing the health of his parents and sister.

Minister Skinner paid tribute to his achievements in the role and forecast her northern Sydney colleague as the future leader.

media_cameraMinister Skinner with Treasurer Gladys Berejiklian. Picture: Mark Scott

“I make no secret I am supporting Gladys Berejiklian, I always have done,” Minister Skinner said.

“I regard myself as a bit of a mentor for Gladys and I think she would be an absolutely fabulous premier.

“She’s really got her head screwed on. She understands the importance of the economics of the state but also all of the things I’m involved in.”

media_cameraAt a State Government cabinet meeting. Picture: Braden Fastier

Minister Skinner, who is the sitting member for north shore, had heard rumours about Mr Baird’s impending departure but said as a rule she doesn’t listen to rumours.

Although the announcement came as a shock, after hearing his statement it all rings true for her as he always said he didn’t consider himself a lifelong politician.

She is sad to see him depart the State Government and described working with him as an “absolute joy”.

She will miss him as both a personal friend and colleague.

“Knowing the man that he is and how absolutely honourable he is, I think it is the right decision for Mike Baird and also for his family,” she said.

“His family are going through some pretty tough times. He really has an incredibly strong family connection and ethic. I absolutely respect that.”

media_cameraA light moment during a hospital press conference. Picture: Justin Sanson

His departure automatically triggers a reshuffle in the cabinet and Minister Skinner accepts whatever will happen in the coming days.

She wants to stay on in her role but is equally supportive if the next leader wants a new direction.

“As far as my position is concerned I will do whatever Gladys wants me to do,” she said.

“I’m very happy to stay on as Health Minister. I’m very happy to continue the reforms and I know the health sector wants me to do that.

“If she wants something different that’s her prerogative and I’ll support it.”

Minister Skinner paid tribute to Mr Baird’s support of health in his roles as treasurer and Premier, and credits the enormous gains in health down to the support from her leaders.

media_cameraOn a tour of an intensive care unit. Picture: Supplied

Looking back at his time in office she described Mr Baird as an “astonishingly successful premier” particularly in light of some of the challenges the state faced.

She paid tribute to the investment in infrastructure on the back of the “poles and wires” lease. And she also praised his handling of the greyhounds issue, while conceding that the initial decision to ban the sport was a “bridge too far”.

“I know the greyhounds matter did (affect him),” she said.

“He was absolutely horrified by the stories of abject cruelty. It was just misreading the willingness of the population at large to go as far as the cabinet had decided originally.


NSW Premier Mike Baird to retire3:21

NSW Premier Mike Baird has announced he is retiring from politics and will resign as premier next week.

NSW Premier Mike Baird to retire

“He was a big enough man to admit that was a mistake and to come with another alternative but saying at the same time it will never go back to where it was. The government will never, ever tolerate that cruelty again.

“That’s where he wanted to go. His initial, and our initial because it was a cabinet decision, was a bridge too far.”

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