Japan's prime minister Shinzo Abe still holding out hope for the TPP

David Rowe

Under sharp questioning about the impact of Donald Trump's denunciation of the Trans Pacific Partnership, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told the Japanese Diet this week that he would "continue to seek Mr Trump's understanding of the strategic and economic importance of the pact".

He also insisted he was convinced he could "trust" him as a leader and that his opinion of the US president has not changed.

But there's no doubt the Abe government is gravely disappointed with the immediate and uncompromising Trump declaration on the TPP. Even if it was much anticipated in Australia, the dismay in Japanese official circles is palpable.

As his comments to the Diet make clear, Prime Minister Abe is still not officially conceding that the US is permanently out of the agreement. He has another meeting with Donald Trump scheduled for next month and will probably hold that line publicly until after that occurs.

Despite the close cooperation on the TPP between Japan and Australia, Japanese officials were also not expecting the recent comments from Australian Trade Minister Steve Ciobo that the TPP is still worth pursuing as an eleven member agreement without the US.

That notion is still undecided in Japan despite the government's strong backing for the TPP framework. Abe has put a lot of political capital into promoting the TPP against concerted domestic political opposition but always sold the US involvement as key to the benefits for Japan.

There are already suggestions it would have to be renegotiated into a better deal for Japan if the deal doesn't include the US. That would inevitably be a protracted and messy process for every country even if it were possible in theory.

Despite the warnings from Donald Trump that the US would never ratify the deal under his presidency, Japan had continued to play for time in the hope that something could be resuscitated. Unlike Australia, Abe had proceeded with ratifying the deal in the Diet last month.

This was in part due to Abe's control of the Upper House in the Diet – also unlike Australia – giving Abe the political strength to deliver on controversial policies that Malcolm Turnbull can only dream of.

But it also reflects Japan's determination to play a leadership role in promoting the benefits of open democratic trading alliances in the region, including as a balance to China's increasing influence.

There's a strong view domestically that the TPP framework was important in maintaining Japan's trade liberalisation measures, despite the political pressures. To give up on those advances seemed a waste and risked going backwards in terms of the economic reform agenda that forms a crucial part of Abenomics .

The TPP was also regarded as setting a standard for the only other regional multilateral trade negotiations going on, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership. These negotiations include Japan and Australia but are dominated by China rather than the US. The US has never been a participant in the RCEP talks - just as China was not a signatory to the TPP.

It is likely that Japan will now concentrate on improving the breadth and width of the RCEP but tortuous negotiations are clearly a second-best option compared to a TPP already signed by 12 countries.

It meant that the TPP was always seen in Japan, as in Australia, as far more than a trade agreement but very much a means of ensuring greater security cohesion and cooperation in the region. It's also regarded as a vital symbol of the region's commitment to open trade against the rising tide of protectionism and threatening the economic vitality of the region.

But the US was always regarded as the lynchpin for this to work effectively and to ensure that it remained enmeshed in the region in a comprehensive way, including as a counter to growing Chinese power.

That was certainly the view put by the Obama Administration which said that without it, China would be allowed to write the rules. It's still a view held by senior Republicans like Senator John McCain who have strongly condemned the Trump decision on the TPP as not being in America's national interest.

It's no coincidence that Xi Jinping is now promoting China as the defender of free trade and globalisation while warning that no one will win from a trade war. But the whole world now has to manage the brutal reality of Trump's version of "Only America First". The prospect of some sort of trade war with China is now a very real risk despite the dangers for everyone involved, including American consumers if he proceeds with his threat to impose tariffs.

In that contest, Abe may yet decide the TPP framework is worth backing even without the US in order to maintain it as a symbol of the shared values and benefits of greater trade .

But Abe may also try to engage the US in some form of bilateral free trade agreement that may have more appeal to Donald Trump. That's a very long term proposition and, given Trump's views on trade, even more difficult to pull off in any way acceptable to another country. In the wake of the TPP, Trump is proudly promoting the idea that well-paid manufacturing jobs will miraculously return to the US.

But even the idea of exploring a bilateral deal might allow Japan to save face in terms of its own dealings with its supposedly strongest ally. The Japanese Government could suggest the US will still be involved in trade negotiations as a version of what's already being jokingly referred to in Japan as the Trump Pacific Partnership agreement.

It's a new world .

Jennifer Hewett is in Japan as a guest of the Japanese government.