
Updated: 10:53 EST

Social media is awash with claims one of the Secret Service agents protecting President Donald Trump had prosthetic arms, with his real hands on the trigger of a gun under his coat. The theory stems from analysis of video footage as President Trump, his wife Melania and son Barron went on an informal walkabout down Pennsylvania Avenue after Friday's inauguration. The bald agent's eyes move constantly, scanning the crowds for signs of a potential assassin, but his arms (circled) never move once. This sparked speculation that his real hand was resting on the trigger of his gun under his coat.

Miami teen broadcast suicide on Facebook from foster home

Nakia Venant, 14, was broadcasting to Facebook Live as she hanged herself in the bathroom of her Miami foster home. One of the girl's friends said she saw some of Venant's two-hour livestream on Sunday and called Miami-Dade police, who responded to her house. Officers then found the teenager hanging from a door frame. They tried to resuscitate her, and then took her to a nearby hospital, but they couldn't save her life. The girl's foster parents were asleep at the time of the incident. Child services are now investigating what happened. Venant was a native of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and was enrolled in the seventh grade at Young Women's Preparatory Academy. Her livestreamed death comes just three weeks after another girl, 12-year-old Katelyn Nicole Davis, of Georgia (inset).

Nutritionist Lily Soutter has analysed children's menus at five fast food chains to reveal the mains, sides, drinks and desserts you should and shouldn't order for your kids.

Daily Mail News Tips Daily Mail News Tips

Imgur user HeepSkunzit has shared some of the internet's most amusing but horrifying wrong number texts.

The 58-year-old American singer appeared before a High Court judge in Malawi on Wednesday to make the application, it has emerged.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average, the most famous equity index benchmark on Wall Street shot above 20,000 for the first time, at the open Wednesday.

Researchers at the Medical University of Vienna asked 156 participants to rate dark humour cartoons. The people who enjoyed the jokes performed highly on tests for verbal and non-verbal intelligence.

Fears for missing 28-year-old woman in Los Angeles

Laura Lynne Stacy, 28 (left and right), was last seen by her roommate on Sunday. She went out and never returned to their apartment in the Hollywood Hills. The next morning, a stranger found Stacy's phone in a puddle at a park 30 miles north of her home. Tuesday night, police near Lancaster, California located a car (stock image, inset) matching the description of Stacy's missing vehicle. Authorities are searching through her phone and credit card history for clues to her whereabouts. Her parents say she moved to California from Colorado recently. She had been studying to be a realtor and had taken up photography.

Danny Holder, 68, was charged with first-degree murder in the death of Randall Lowen. Holder and Lowen, 55, got into an argument on Sunday over a chili dog at their Port Orange home.

Aydin C. is suspected of forcing dozens of young women into performing sex acts and blackmailing them with one of his victims thought to be 15-year-old Canadian teenager Amanda Todd.

Mark Gastineau's daughter Brittny distraught over illness

Brittny Gastineau describes her dad as 'a legend in football' and vows to raise the profile of his illnesses i– and help other sufferers - on his behalf. She tells DailyMail.com she is ‘devastated’ that her father, Mark Gastineau (inset, in 1983), is suffering from a clutch of degenerative brain diseases. The now 60-year-old former defensive end revealed in an interview last Thursday that he has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and dementia - both of which result in a gradual mental decline. Brittny, who is best friends with Kim Kardashian, railed against the NFL saying it has 'major f***ing problems' when it comes to brain injuries.

According to experts, from getting out of bed early to completing tasks on your commute, there's ten vital signs that prove you're a go-getter.

A Nobel Prize-winning molecular biologist and a health psychologist who've devoted years to understanding how you can slow ageing discuss sleep, food, yoga and inheriting wrinkles.

Can YOU see the hidden assassin in this vintage picture?

It is claimed that only one per cent of the population will be able to spot the hidden assassin in this vintage illustration. This optical illusion, posted to Playbuzz, features a man drawing a gun, ready to take on a duel but his enemy remains unseen, and the black and sepia toned image makes it even more difficult to spot where he is hiding.

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential for keeping our hearts healthy, and the best source of them is oily fish. Many choose to take supplements instead, but experts now say that could be pointless.

Nutritionist Cassandra Barns reveals the foods we need to eat for good digestion, which include exotic miso soup and Korean kimchi, a type of fermented cabbage.

Pictures show dads with the dogs they didn't want

Bored Panda compiled a series of pictures of dads who had been against the idea getting a dog, but clearly warmed to the prospect quickly once the pooches arrived (top left). The heartwarming snaps show (clockwise from top centre) dads napping with the family pet; taking selfies; doing DIY, watching TV and gazing adorably at their four legged friends.

Zoo officials are desperately searching for Sunny the red panda, who went missing from the Virginia Zoo on Monday. Authorities said the 19-month-old panda was last seen in her habitat.

Dozens of people have taken to secret-sharing site Whisper to confess the ways in which marriage has changed their relationship - for better or for worse.

Trump to 'ban immigrants from Syria and 6 other countries'

President Donald Trump (left) will start rolling out executive actions on immigration Wednesday - beginning with an order to start building his wall along the border with Mexico. The president is also expected to take action over the next few days to temporarily ban immigration from Muslim countries deemed a 'threat to national security' - namely Syria, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Sudan, and Somalia. In addition, Trump is set to sign other domestic immigration enforcement measures that will include targeting sanctuary cities that decline to prosecute undocumented aliens.

A man who was filmed punching a female reporter's camera at a Women's March in Edmonton, Canada at the weekend has been charged with assault.

NEW First lady Melania Trump has seen an up-tick in her public approval rating since the Republican convention, although she closely trails President Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka in popularity.

Father-of-three Joel LaPierre, 47, a lawmaker for the St Lawrence County government, in New York, referred to Barack Obama as a 'Muslim' and threatened to send him 'back to Kenya.'

President Trump laid down a firm date for his Supreme Court announcement this morning. He said in a tweet: 'I will be making my Supreme Court pick on Thursday of next week.'

The president tweeted that his probe would include illegal immigrants and dead people on voter rolls, and people registered in multiple places. 'Depending on results, we will strengthen up voting procedures!'

Jane Fonda, 79, was one of hundreds of people gathered in front of the Trump International Hotel and Tower in New York's Columbus Circle on Tuesday to protest the president's policies.

Washington D.C. waitress receives $450 tip and kind note

Three Trump supporters from West Texas left a 25-year-old waitress a 625 percent tip along with a heartwarming note. Rosalynd Harris (pictured) was working at Busboys and Poets in Washington D.C. on Monday. She assumed the table of three men at one of her tables were likely in town for President Trump's inauguration.

In an angry tweet on Tuesday night, he said: 'If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible "carnage" going on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings (up 24% from 2016), I will send in the Feds!' he said.

Tucker Carlson has moved seamlessly into Megyn Kelly's time slot at Fox News Channel, and has reportedly doubled the ratings of her 9pm segment. His first week garnered 775,000 viewers.

The Senate confirmed President Donald Trump's pick for U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, by a decisive margin Tuesday in a 96-4 vote.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer has continued his war on the mainstream media by incredibly comparing 'alternative facts' in news reports to 'different weather reports'.

Secret Service agent 'wouldn't take a bullet for Trump'

Kerry O'Grady, (left and right) the special agent in charge of the Secret Service's Denver district, was a vocal opponent of the Donald (inset) during his campaign. She has made several posts on social media in the past year criticizing Trump, saying he would be a 'disaster' for the country - particularly for women and minorities. And in October, she posted that she would rather go to jail than 'take a bullet' for Trump - although she avoided referring to him by name.

Ivanka Trump shares snap of baby Theodore in new home

The first daughter shared a bedtime photograph of her youngest son Theodore (left) inside his immaculate new nursery on Tuesday, seeming very much at home as she tucked the ten-month-old in. 'Goodnight!' she wrote alongside the image of the beaming baby who sat upright in his crib for the snap. A white and grey monogrammed pillow with his initials, TJK, rested behind him and two cashmere throws had been folded over the side. Jared Kushner (inset) was spotted rushing out of his new Washington DC home earlier in the day ahead of a busy day at the office. The first daughter (right at her father's inauguration) was later seen exiting from the garage in an SUV.

The new White House press secretary is so hooked on Orbit cinnamon sticks that he tears through two-and-a-half packs by noon. But doctors warn this could cause a host of bone and bowel problems.

The 32 percent support rate is sharply higher than the last time the poll asked Californians about secession, in 2014, when one-in-five or 20 percent favored it.

64-year-old actress Graciela Alfano shares NAKED photo

Graciela Alfano, 64, is an Argentine actress, TV presenter and model. She shared the pictures of herself totally naked (right) in her home in the city of Villa Carlos Paz - and has received mixed reaction. She captioned the shot: 'This is the result of a healthy life.' The pictures do indeed show a svelte, toned figure but some online commenters said there was more to her enduring beauty than just healthy living.

Mother behind Nicole Kidman's blockbuster Lion speaks out

The real-life mother behind the Hollywood blockbuster Lion has told for the first time of her pain at losing her five-year-old son - and her unshakeable belief that he would come home to her 25 years later. Fatima Munshi, right, lost her tiny son Saroo, left, and his 14-year-old brother Guddu on the same night in 1987 as they took the train to scavenge for food in a neighbouring village in central India. Saroo fell asleep on the train and woke up 1,000 miles from home in Calcutta. Lost and confused, he spent weeks on the streets before being taken in by an Indian orphanage which arranged for him to be adopted by Australian parents. He was raised 6,000 miles away in Tazmania. But Saroo never gave up hope of finding his real mother, and used Google Earth to track his hometown, eventually being reunited with his mother in 2012 when he was 30, right. Now, as his heartbreaking quest to find Fatima is turned into the blockbuster movie Lion starring Nicole Kidman, inset, and the Oscar nominated Dev Patel, Fatima has told MailOnline her story for the first time. Speaking exclusively to MailOnline Fatima, 60, reveals how she lived a nightmare for 25 years, not knowing whether Saroo was dead or alive. She said: 'I was speechless and numb when I saw him again. It was like meeting God.'

What a hero! The moment a dog saved his floundering friend from raging river rapids... or did he just want to steal his stick? 

A brave dog saved his friend by pulling him out of a rushing river. Or, he just really wanted to take the stick. Footage from Córdoba, Argentina shows a black lab eagerly chasing a stick tossed near violent water in the YouTube video published on January 17. He leaps across a small current and onto slippy rock to claim their prize.

Pizza delivery girl Tabitha, believed to be from the US, shamed a creepy customer who sexually harassed her by text and then threatened blackmail when she told him to back off.

Women who never have children are at far greater risk of suffering an early menopause, a major study by University College London and the University of Queensland, Australia, has found.

Arizona man who shot cop's attacker says he's no hero

Thomas Yoxall, of Arizona, gave his account of the dramatic January 12 encounter between the now-dead suspect and the state trooper. Yoxall had not been previously identified. The 43-year-old cried and his legs shook while he recounted killing Leonard Pennelas-Escobar, who was beating Trooper Edward Andersson 'in a savage way' after having shot him.

Sexpert Tracey Cox weighs up the benefits of having sex 365 days a year. Says that it isn't necessary to have sex every day to enjoy the benefits.

A survey of nearly 7,000 British women found that those in their 50s and 60s are most likely to have painful sex - known as dyspareunia, forcing many to abandon going beneath the sheets completely.

Ohio victim confronts 'men who chained her up in basement'

A 14-year-old girl who says she escaped a basement where she was chained and sexually abused confronted her stepfather and his son in court on Tuesday in Toledo, Ohio. The suspects, Timothy Ciboro, 53, and son Esten, 28, are on trial for abusing and sexually molesting the girl who says she escaped from the basement where they held her when she used a spare key and they weren't home. The unnamed teen, now 14, was comforted by a golden retriever therapy dog while she testified and answered questions from the suspects, who acted as their own attorneys.

Apple users globally can use the new feature by installing the latest version of WhatsApp on their device. The messages will be placed in a queue and automatically sent as soon as the user goes online.

Phil Lusted, who was born with the skeletal condition diastrophic dysplasia, got the inking inspired by his favourite movie character - and it caught the eye of fellow fan Kathleen Brogan, 27, from Seattle.

Carrie Fisher's daughter posts thank you to friends

Billie Lourd thanked her friends in an Instagram message posted one month after the sudden and tragic deaths of her mother Carrie Fisher (inset right) and grandmother Debbie Reynolds. 'This group of onesie clad supremely supportive humans (and many others #notpicturedbutinthepicture) are the kings and queens of my world #gratefulfortheirgreatness #friendsfindingthefunny,' wrote Billie on the photo. Among those pictured in the photograph were Billie's stepfather Bruce Bozzi, power publicist Simon Halls, Ellen Barkin and Gabriel Byrne's daughter Romy, and Billie's boyfriend Taylor Lautner (right). Billie, 24, just returned from a trip to Mexico with Taylor last week, with the two spending some time in Cabo (left) with friends.

NEW Suffolk County Police said that David P. Stagliano, a cop in the NYPD's mounted unit, was suspended from the force after he sent a lewd cell phone video of himself to the Long Island girl.

NEW Blackberry has now confirmed in a tweet that it will formally unveil the device on February 25th, just before the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.

Dramatic police body cam footage shows cops pulling an unconscious man from a burning vehicle just seconds before it explodes

NEW Police in Norton, Ohio pulled a 60-year-old man from a burning vehicle in an astonishing rescue captured on camera Sunday. Officer Brody Fratantonio (lower right) smashed the car window and pulled the unconscious driver 50 yards to safety with the help of his rookie partner, Scott Seabolt. Seconds after the patrolmen rested the driver on the ground, the car exploded (circled). The driver was revived with opioid reversal medication and charged with driving under the influence, but denies using drugs.

Fresno Police spokesman Lt. Joe Gomez says Richard Garcia (pictured) attacked his sister and brother-in-law with a crowbar and a hammer and then chased them with a knife.

Reuben Lee and his adopted black son, Reuben Lee Jr, 17, went to watch a PG-13 movie in Stockton, California, but theater staff did not believe they were related and were denied entry.

Pro BMXer Nigel Sylvester is on the Forbes 30 Under 30

Queens native Nigel Sylvester, 29, has long dreamed of becoming a pro in the niche world of BMX. The athlete is one of the few black professional BMX riders and is an even rarer feature of the sport: he's just made the Forbes Top 30 under 30 list. All this despite the fact that he doesn't even take part in competitions. Nigel (left in New York, right top and bottom, performing stunts and inset as a child on his bike) has built his entire brand through social media and done everything on his own without a PR manager.

FILE - This Dec. 27, 2016, file photo provided by the Aiken County Detention Center, S.C., shows South Carolina Rep. Chris Corley. The South Carolina state lawmaker accused of beating his wife bloody resigned on Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2017, rather than be expelled from the Statehouse after a grand jury indicted him on a felony aggravated domestic violence charge that could put him in prison for up to 20 years. (Aiken County Detention Center via AP, File)

A South Carolina politician who defended the use of the Confederate flag resigned last night rather than be expelled from the Statehouse after being indicted over claims he brutally attacked his wife.

FILE - In this July 6, 2015, file photo, a mural and memorial for the late Ezell Ford Jr., who was fatally shot by Los Angeles police officers is seen in South Los Angeles. Two Los Angeles police officers acted in self-defense when they fatally shot the 25-year-old black man during a struggle over an officer's gun and will not face criminal charges for the 2014 shooting that led to protests, prosecutors said Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2017. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes, File)

Prosecutors said officers Sharlton Wampler and Antonio Villegas were in fear for their lives and acted lawfully when they shot and killed Ezell Ford, 25, in Los Angeles on August 11, 2014.

Emma Linda Lewis, 50, was found dead in a Platte County sheriff's office van in Missouri in June after she overdosed on antidepressants and cocaine just prior to her arrest.

Kamai Clerveaux, a 15-year-old boy, is accused of kidnapping and raping at least two women at gunpoint in Florida. He was charged with two counts of armed sexual battery.

Photographer Diane Arbus captured America in the 1950s

These fascinating black-and-white pictures by legendary photographer Diane Arbus offer a unique glimpse into how America lived in the late 1950s and early 1960s. A new exhibition, organized by The Metropolitan Museum of Art in San Francisco, showcases some of the photographer's earliest works. The collection, entitled 'diane arbus: in the beginning' considers the first seven years of the photographer's career, from 1956 to 1962

A US gossip website has claimed that jewellery stolen from the reality TV star during a raid on her luxury apartment in Paris may have ended up on the black market and is in turn funding terror groups.

It is believed 13,000 euros has been recovered from the Montparnasse cemetery in the French capital, which is the final resting place of several famous names such as Serge Gainsbourg.

North Korea among world's most corrupt countries

Denmark was named the least corrupt country on the planet, followed by New Zealand and Finland, according to Transparency International. The UK retained its 10th place ranking alongside Germany and Luxembourg but the group warned the country's reputation would take a hit if standards are weakened after Brexit. The top 10 least corrupt countries also included Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, Singapore, the Netherlands and Canada. But the US was placed 18th, down from 16th in 2015 with the research body warning there were worrying signs of populism in Donald Trump's presidential victory.

The University of Georgia looked at the relationship between overconfidence and personality and found narcissistic bosses often make 'catastrophic mistakes' because of distorted judgement.

Men are programmed to store fat in their stomach, according to Dr Zhaoping Li, from the University of California, Los Angeles. While estrogen causes women to store theirs in the hips and legs.

Thomas Jester, 73, found his 51-year-old girlfriend Julie Auclair dead at their home in Kansas City, Missouri on Monday night. Her body was stuffed in the corner of their living room with a table on top.

Officials say a 53-year-old music teacher has died after he suffered a medical emergency and collapsed while practicing with students at a high school in western Pennsylvania.


Femail Today

Heart-stopping moment a train barrels through and completely destroys a FedEx truck in Utah... but miraculously no one was injured

Dash camera footage of a horror crash in Utah has been released, showing a loaded FedEx cargo semi-truck being decimated by a passing FrontRunner train.The crash appears to have been caused due to the barriers, flashing lights and bells not being activated in the North Salt Lake intersection. The Utah Transit Authority is investigating why the crossing gates were upright as the train passed, allowing vehicles to pass through despite the imminent danger.

The pair, both 13 and from Vietnam, were found in El Prat airport in Barcelona, Spain as they were trying to creep into the Schengen area of the terminal, where there are no border controls.

China is currently in the middle of its Lunar New Year travel rush known as 'chun yun'. The period kicked off on January 13 and comes to an end on February 21.

The hilarious, but embarrassing moment, was recorded on the Walmart employee's phone in an 'empty' room during his shift in the United States.

Despite massive sales and the visual dominance of the brand on social media, Luke Trayser, 33, from the Chicago suburbs, was keen to point out that La Croix has not won over everybody.

Jason Matthew Prieto, left, and a second suspect who police say attempted to rob a jewelry store at a San Antonio mall have been charged with capital murder in the death of ex-Marine Jon Murphy, right.

'Was that a San Diego #earthquake?' one Twitter user asked at 3.25pm. Another said that she had heard a 'loud a** boom and then I felt an earthquake'.

Inside the Land of the Thunder Dragon: Pictures unearthed

NEW The photographs are believed to have belonged to the family of someone who took part in the expedition to Bhutan in 1905 and include a ruler and future king (left) and stomach-churning cliff-side monasteries (right). The country was almost completely cut off for centuries as it sought to protect its ancient traditions and has only become more accessible to visitors since the 1970s. The photographs also capture community life, including the king's bodyguards and sewing maids in their traditional attire (inset).

The Crystal Cabin Awards have shortlisted 85 contenders for accolades for their futuristic plane cabin designs. Teams in Brazil, Austria and the US have come up with innovative concepts.

The SoldatenKaffe, named after a cafe in Paris that was popular with Nazi soldiers, was a busy tourist spot in the city of Bandung but has now closed for good and been replaced with a karaoke bar.

The Tower Park Praha is a reconstructed cabin inside a television tower above Prague that offers tourists a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania agreed to hear the appeal of rapper Jamal 'Mayhem Mal' Knox who did three years in prison for threatening police officers in a rap song.

Nothing can bug him! Nadal is all focus when a MOTH lands on his nose as he advances to the semi finals of the Australian Open

Rafael Nadal advanced to his first Grand Slam semi final since 2014 on Wednesday after the 30-year-old beat Milos Raonic in Melbourne, keeping the dream of a final showdown with Federer alive. While Nadal claimed victory in straight sets, the match was far closer than the scoreline suggests, though ultimately the Spaniard's focus paid off. In fact he was concentrating so hard he barely flinched, even when a moth landed on his face.

Some experts say Hershey's and other manufacturers put milk through a process called controlled lipolysis, which produces an acid that gives vomits its smell and acid taste.

Tiger Woods, who is set for his full-time return to competitive golf this week, has announced he will use TaylorMade clubs after Nike’s withdrawl from the golf equipment industry.

Formation of food preferences start in the womb, and the first months of life are crucial in developing eating habits, says Sophia Komninou, a child nutrition expert at Swansea University.

Is this the world's HOTTEST firefighter?

Gunn Narten, 30, from Norway, works as a firefighter and has just added another string to her bow by becoming a personal trainer and is so strong she can even lift a fire truck (inset). Gunn says that she wanted to be a firefighter from the age of 19 and while most men think her job is cool others are a little 'intimidated'.

The concept, dubbed Cycler, is based on technology available today, and could take people to asteroids and Mars. It's the work of Montreal-based designer, Charles Bombardier.

From cleaning the shower while you're in it to storing duvet sets inside their pillow case and using IKEA bags as laundry bags, these are Mumsnet users' ultimate housework hacks.

Ronda Rousey has kept a low profile since her embarrassing defeat last month. But she was seen with boyfriend Travis Browne on Sunday during their visit The Range 702 gun store, in Las Vegas.

10-year-old surfer rides over a great white shark in NSW

Eden Hasson, 10, was surfing at Samurai Beach in NSW on Tuesday evening when he glided over a dark shadow in the water - it turned out to be a massive great white shark just under his board. His father, lifetime surfer Chris Hasson, was standing on the rocks taking photographs and captured the moment when his son came face to face with the sea's most dangerous predator.

From addressing a flight attendant as a 'stewardess', to expecting help lifting your heavy bags into the overhead locker, here are ten things you should avoid doing next time you fly.

In Saudi Arabia, you are banned from having any Christmas decorations and dancing in public, while taking any literature that glorifies Nazis in or out of Germany is also illegal.

The video, believed to be filmed in the US, shows the older boy refusing to give back one of his brother's belongings. When he throws it behind a bookshelf, the younger boy asks if he can swear.

Apple has introduced the feature in the first beta of macOS 10.12.4 today. Night Shift will likely be released to the public globally in early spring

The six workouts you can do at your DESK

Health blogger Helen Foster has come up with six simple office exercises which if you do them everyday for a week, can help you burn an extra 1,170 calories. They include wall push ups (bottom right) and wall sits (bottom left) which you can do at your desk, to leg lifts (top left) and shoulder shrugs (top right) at your desk.

Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman is being held at Manhattan's Metropolitan Correctional Center during his trial where he stands accused of running one of the world's biggest drug-trafficking operations.

A number of bemused beaus have taken to social media to reveal the very unusual things they discovered about their partners after a number of years.

Unbound sells sex toys masquerading as jewellery

Sex toy subscription service Unbound has unveiled its latest collection of X-rated products designed to look like jewellery including (clockwise from top left) a Cleopatra-inspired 'lube vial' necklace, a pair of nipple clamp earrings, a whip choker, a condom holder and a whip choker. Designers say the 'high-end collection' has the ability to 'convert from daytime jewelry into bedroom accessories' and was inspired by three famous female figures: aviator Amelia Earhart, Twiggy and Cleopatra.

The ape - called John Daniel (pictured) - played with children, went to classes, ate roses from gardens and even enjoyed cups of tea with residents in the quaint village of Uley, Gloucestershire.

The footage, filmed in Poland, shows the teenager lying on his front on the sledge as he slides down the road. He can be heard getting increasingly agitated, before being soaked by a large puddle.

Check Point, a California-based online security firm, has warned Android users about the clever virus, which is 'hidden' in apps on the Google Play store.

Stunning finalists of National Geographic Traveller awards

The annual competition showcases the UK’s best travel photographers in six categories. Finalists travelled to India, Ireland, Brazil and beyond to capture breath-taking snaps of dreamy landscapes and striking locals. Top images include a pair of lions drying off in South Africa (top), Northern Ireland's cloudy coast (bottom left) and the shadow of Christ the Redeemer framed by a rainbow in Rio de Janeiro (bottom right).

The mother of a Dallas 15-year-old student who blackmailed his teacher, Thao 'Sandy' Doan, out of $28,000 after the two had a sexual relationship has spoken out.

Andre Fuqua was inexplicably shot dead in his black Subaru on Sunday in Corpus Christi. He used to be on the track and field team at Texas A&M; University-Kingsville.

John Craddick, from Wolverhampton,said he was sitting with a friend, teaching him how to use the Nasa live feed when he spotted the object on Friday 20 January.

A frugal man in China spent a month cycling home only to find that he had been cycling in the wrong direction. He was stopped on January 21 by police while he was cycling on a motorway.

We’ve all been there! Watch this dog’s efforts to stop himself falling asleep while watching a film with his owner 

The boxer dog is filmed dozing in and out of consciousness throughout the video. At one point, he even rests his head on his owner's shoulder as the tiredness gets too much for him. But as soon as he wakes up again, he sits back upright and focuses his eyes on the screen - pretending as if nothing has happened. It is not clear exactly where the footage was filmed.

Today's hottestfashion finds

  • Kourtney

    Be the life of the party in a burgundy bomber jacket like Kourtney

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  • Gigi

    Rack up cool points with Reebok sneaks

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  • Gwyneth

    Embrace your girly side in a ruffled jacket by Gucci

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  • Khloe

    Keep up with Khloe Kardashian in a pair of Adidas joggers

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Now that's what you call a tailback! Pride of lions brings traffic to a standstill as they lie down to devour a buffalo they have just killed

A pride of lions decided to stop and eat their lunch in the middle of a road - bringing traffic to a standstill. The 18 hungry lions had recently killed a buffalo and decided to lay in the middle of the road to devour it at the Kruger National Park in South Africa. But rather than be annoyed at the hold up, most of these drivers visited the park in the hope of spotting one of Africa's big five, so were overjoyed at the impromptu encounter. Suan Wright, 60, was there with his wife Rosemary and captured the moment on camera.

The elder daughter claimed that she and her sister had been abducted by a cousin. The women were taken by force at the ages of 18 and 13 and sold. They met their mother on Monday.

The footage shows the man lying beneath the digger and pretending to lift it with his arms. It is not clear exactly where the video was filmed, but it is believed to have been in the UK.

The new technique sees manicurists decorating nails with tiny lengths of wire to create arched metal tips and intricate patterns - but experts have warned they could easily rip off, causing damage.

Ford confirmed the figures for its new performance car in a long overdue announcement, claiming at 216mph it'll be quicker than Ferrari's 458 Speciale and McLaren's 675LT.

Double the cuteness: Heart-warming video shows playful panda twin cubs frolicking during public debut 

Video footage has caught the moment two panda cubs frolicked in their enclosure during their public debut on January 22 in Chongqing. The pair can be seen exploring their surroundings and taking a few knocks as they get to grips with the outdoor enclosure. Chongqing zoo is now asking members of the public to suggest names.



Terrifying moment a flaming TORNADO breaks out from a bushfire in the Australian Outback

Astonishing footage has surfaced of a phenomenon known as a fire tornado scorching the Outback in Watheroo last month. Spinning at more than 150km/h, the giant twisting column of flame was ignited during a bush fire in and lasted for over a minute before dying down in fields of Watheroo last month deep in Western Australia. A fire whirl, also know as a fire devil, occurs when a column of warm, rising air comes into contact with a fire on the ground.

Dr T Jeff Allen was left feeling 'isolated' when Cardiff University students portrayed him as a 'hyper-sexualised black man' in an end of term play - and South Wales Police were called in to investigate.

Rhea the tiny bird from Boston who suffers from a disease that robbed her of her of her feathers doesn't know she's different. She's a star on YouTube and Instagram.

A group of scientists from Rice University in Texas discovered the strange behaviour and said it is a rare example of hypermanipulation, when a parasite is manipulated by another parasite.

Jon Woollard, 30, from Buckinghamshire, was 16 stone at his heaviest and struggled through years of yo-yo dieting before overhauling his diet and becoming a personal trainer.

Brit expats Perry and Carolyn Butler, have listed their 40-acre estate, 2900 Spring Mountain Road in Saint Helena in California's Napa Valley for sale. Its award-winning vineyard is worth $7.2million alone.

Freestyle rider becomes the first person ever to land a double backflip while riding a SNOWMOBILE over huge ski jumps 

Incredible footage shows freestyle rider Daniel Bodin, 31, completing the trick near his home in Malung, Sweden. The double backflip has been attempted by other riders in the past - but no one has ever landed it until now. Bodin said he 'couldn't believe' he had managed it, after working towards achieving the double backflip for years.