Federal Politics

Unrepentant Tony Abbott digs heels in over Treasury Secretary Martin Parkinson's exit

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has hit back at critics of his decision to send Treasury Secretary Martin Parkinson packing, declaring his government has the right  to "stamp its authority" on the nation's premier economic agency.

And he has criticised economic policy under the "high taxing, high regulating" former government – in which Dr Parkinson played a central role – as he urged "everyone in the system to be working enthusiastically with us as we reshape our country".

Fairfax Media revealed this week that former prime minister John Howard and treasurer Peter Costello told Treasurer Joe Hockey to keep Dr Parkinson in one of the nation's top economic roles.

That call was ignored by Mr Abbott and Dr Parkinson's resignation was announced in the Prime Minister's first official act after being sworn in, while three other public service chiefs were also sacked.

Dr Parkinson's decision to exit was widely interpreted as a decision to jump before he was pushed out of the role.


On Wednesday, former Treasury secretary Ken Henry, now a director at NAB and ASX, joined the call for Dr Parkinson to be retained, telling ABC's 7.30 program that no previous government had thought it appropriate to remove the head of Treasury for political reasons.

Dr Henry said the exit of Dr Parkinson – which is due mid-year, though speculation is mounting the current Treasury chief could now stay on until the end of the year – was unprecedented, and that he should stay in his role.

''It's never happened in the Treasury in 114 years, 113 years,'' Dr Henry said.

''There have only been 16 Treasury secretaries in that time. No government has ever thought it appropriate to remove the head of the Treasury and put in somebody who they think is of the right – let's say of a more comfortable political character.

''I'm not saying that is what has motivated the Prime Minister on this occasion. It sounds like that though.''

But Mr Abbott said on Thursday that he reserved the right to ''stamp'' his authority on the country's economic policy.

''You've got to understand that incoming governments do very much want to place their stamp on the economic policy of the country and that is exactly what we are doing,'' Mr Abbott said.

''We are placing our stamp on the economic policy of the country and let there be no doubt, let there be no doubt, that Australia's policy direction changed very substantially back in September of last year.

''Australia, at the official level, went from being a high-tax, high-regulating government to being a low-tax, deregulating government.

''That's a very, very big change. We expect everyone in the system to be working enthusiastically with us as we reshape our country to provide more jobs and greater prosperity for all.''

Before the election in September, the Coalition was critical of Treasury's economic forecasting while Dr Parkinson was viewed with suspicion in some circles because of his role heading the former Department of Climate Change and his involvement in forme prime minister Kevin Rudd's failed carbon pollution reduction scheme in 2009.

However, it is understood that some in the Coalition's ranks are now having second thoughts about letting Dr Parkinson go.

Mr Hockey and Dr Parkinson have been getting along well, particularly during their work preparing for the G20.

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