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Latest fraud advice

Text Message Fraud: encourages you to take precautionary measures when responding to possible buyers and any text message requests for personal details such as email. We encourage you to not respond via email to interested parties as this is a common fraud practice. Please Note: will not contact you via SMS at any stage other than during step one of creating your car advertisement. This text will only ever include a verify code to enter during step one of uploading your car details. will never request you to do this more than once. Check out these examples.

Carsguide Solutions or Secure Carsguide or Cars Guide Support: is NOT associated with and does not recommend that buyers/sellers utilise ANY 3rd party websites that are not directly linked from

Money to post advertisements - Carsguide has become aware that scammers have started offering people money to post multiple Ads on the site. If you have responded to a job offer like this recently please contact us using the below form. Any abuse of the website will be reported to the police.

Safe Selling

Advertising If you decide to sell your car yourself, the best ways of

Safe Buying

Set your budgetWork out how much you can afford to spend, and don't fo

 Guide to Scams & Frauds

On the whole, buying and selling a car online is an easy and safe proc