Seven reasons why we defend Free Movement

Migrants Are Welcome Here – Defend Free Movement Migrants are net contributors to society All serious economic research has shown that migrants make a substantial net contribution to the British economy. This is largely because a disproportionate number of them tend to be working-age adults. In a report issued in 2013, for example, University College […] Read more »

Northern Ireland and the Brexit Wrecking Ball

Joseph Healy looks at the political crisis in Northern Ireland A crisis has arisen in Northern Ireland with new elections scheduled for the Northern Irish Assembly soon. Trust has broken down between the two leading parties under the power sharing agreement – Sinn Fein and the DUP – with Sinn Fein’s Martin Mc Guiness pulling […] Read more »

Left Unity’s Inauguration Message

As Donald Trump becomes President of the USA, Left Unity Principal Speaker  Felicity Dowling sends solidarity greetings to all those fighting for a better world: “I am sending Solidarity greetings to friends, sisters, brothers, comrades and protesters around the world, to all who have the guts to say, on this day of all days, that […] Read more »

Left Unity’s response to Theresa May’s Brexit statement

In definitively rejecting UK membership of the Single Market in order to appease reactionary anti-immigrant sentiment, Theresa May has dealt a double blow to the UK economy. This decision removes Britain from the benefits of membership of the world’s largest market, hoping to replace it instead with a series of free trade deals at a […] Read more »

Trump and the war on women

A long form piece from London based US feminist activist Susan Pashkoff on how Trump will deepen the war on women in the States. For those that have been watching the right-wing war on women for at least a decade, people may think that all we are going to see is a continuation of the […] Read more »

Migrants not to blame for UK problems. Support the Alliance for Free Movement

It’s not immigrants that failed to build the houses our economy needs and they don’t cause a race to the bottom on wages or conditions. Letter published in the Guardian, 10.01.17 A wave of hatred is sweeping Britain, with migrants blamed for a range of social ills. But migrants have not run down our public […] Read more »

Left Unity is proud to defend free movement

Principal speaker Felicity Dowling writes Left Unity is proud to defend free movement: to support workers’ right to choose where they live and work. Support for all workers living and working in this country is crucial to the strength of the working class, to community cohesion and peace. It is crucial to our hopes for […] Read more »

We weep for Aleppo

Left Unity Principal Speaker Felicity Dowling writes: The abomination that is the destruction of Aleppo, of  its people and of its buildings and services will be remembered for centuries to come, should humanity have the good fortune to last that long. War is part and parcel of capitalism, the more so in economic crisis as […] Read more »

Motions passed at Left Unity’s 2016 conference

This document lists the results of the debate at Left Unity conference: motions and amendments passed, defeated, and passed to other bodies. Read more »

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Discussion & Debate

Are we witnessing a moment or a movement?

Susan Pashkoff on the possibility of a new movement arising from the mass protests that took place across the world yesterday Having participated in yesterday’s Women’s March in London and looking at all the pictures from the various sister marches in the US and around the world, this is a question we need to ask […] Read more »

A new movement rising?

  Neil Faulkner reports on the Women’s March on London. It was vast. You knew as you approached it. You saw people on the tube and the pavements with placards and banners. As you got closer, you found the street was rammed. I walked with my daughter from Grosvenor Square to Trafalgar Square, marching towards […] Read more »

The moral threat of National Labourism

Richard Farnos writes Corbyn’s “relaunch” speech on  Tuesday (10/1/17) has only managed to muddy the waters.  In it he said: “Labour is not wedded to freedom of movement for EU citizens as a point of principle,” then bizarrely added “but I don’t want that to be misinterpreted, nor do we rule it out.”  This position […] Read more »

Fighting the rise of racism and xenophobia

Dave Landau from Islington Left Unity on how to respond to the rise in racism and xenophobia. There is a spectre haunting Europe and the United States of America. It is the spectre of racism, xenophobia, nationalism and even fascism. Gallons of ink have been devoted to try and understand the triumph of Brexit and […] Read more »

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Local reports

Lambeth libraries: Occupation puts council on the back-foot

Stuart King reports on the recent Lambeth Library occupation In mid April, shortly after a 10-day occupation of the Carnegie library in Lambeth, the first cracks appeared in the monolithic Progress run council in Lambeth. Councillor Rachel Heywood issued an open letter entitled “Why I broke ranks” referring to the fact that she marched with […] Read more »

Carnegie Library Occupation [Days 3-7]

Stuart King gives us a first hand account of the on-going occupation of the Carnegie library in Lambeth. The local council want ot close the library and re-open it with a private gym. DAY 3  – SATURDAY The occupation gives an interview with London Live TV at 9.00am. We got a mention in the Bookseller. […] Read more »

Lambeth library occupied to prevent closure

Stuart King reports from the occupation of the Carnegie Library in Lambeth which faced imminent closure by the local council. Lambeth council had planned to lock the doors of Carnegie Library to the public at on Thursday night. Instead library users refused to leave and vowed to keep the library in the hands of […] Read more »

NUT conference report

Inbar Tamari reports from NUT conference In the last two days of conference the union debates and reached important decisions regarding funding education and implementing policies in and out of the union. Inclusion and funding Conference noted how changes in government led to inclusion from being the norm for educating learners with special educational needs […] Read more »

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Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties.

About Left Unity   Read our manifesto


Events and protests from around the movement, and local Left Unity meetings.

Tues 24 Jan, 19.30
Wigan Left Unity – Open Forum – Brexit & Trump

Left Unity National Speaker Stephen Hall will lead off the discussion on how the Left as a whole might best counter the alarming rise of the Right in world politics.

See details on Facebook.

Wed 25 Jan, 19.30
Activist meeting- Keep Our NHS Public

Meeting to plan transport for the National Demonstration for the NHS on 4 March London and the Leeds March for the NHS on 1 April.

Get involved.

Fri 20 Feb
One Day Without Us: National Protest

EU citizens and immigrants from outside the European Union to take part in a nationwide boycott, and show how much they have given to our society. British-born citizens can stand alongside them.

Find out how to get involved.

Sat 25 Feb, 10.30
Health Conference, NHS in Crisis – How do we sustain its future?

Organised by SERTUC at TUC Congress House, London, 10.30 – 16.00. Open invite. Free admission and free lunch provided. Registration essential: 020 7467 1220


Sat 4 March, 12.00
It’s our NHS, national demonstration

Theresa May’s demands for yet more austerity in the NHS represent a real risk to the safety of patients and the service. Join this vital demo called by Health Campaigns Together.

More info on their website.

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Broadsheet and Placard: Brexit and Trump, Sound the Alarm

Broadsheet: Immigration Works

Postcard and Poster: Europe Innit

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