The Human Development Report 2016 emphasizes that poor, marginalized and vulnerable groups — including ethnic minorities, indigenous peoples, refugees and migrants — are being left furthest behind.   More »
The report shows that in almost every country, several groups face disadvantages that often overlap and reinforce each other, increasing vulnerability.  more »
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In the western DRC, indigenous women are joining forces to regenerate the forest and protect their livelihoods.  more »
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For World Water Day, we visit three lakes under threat from human activity and look at efforts to save them.  More »
Better than gold
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Eco-tourism protects biodiversity and creates jobs in Papua New Guinea.  more »
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Climate change and pollution are threatening Africa's oldest and deepest lake, source of income and potable water for more then 10 million people.   More »
Human development is all about human freedoms: freedom to realize the full potential of every human life.  more »
At UNDP, we’re working across more than 160 countries to fight inequalities and break down barriers that hold back progress for women.  Donate »