Maatsuyker Island caretaker job, Tasmania: Would you live on a island rent-free that has no internet or TV?

If the daily grind is getting you down and those fantasies of running away to a deserted island are growing stronger, here's a way to test if that's what your soul really needs.

The Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service is advertising for a couple to take on the job of looking after Maatsuyker Island off the island state's south coast.

It's a six-month contract, the rent is free and the views are stunning (in between rain showers).

But there is a catch. No internet, no TV and the relationship better be rock-solid because you might go months before you see anyone else other than your beloved partner.

The island has Australia's most southerly lighthouse but the island caretakers aren't lighthouse keepers - it works automatically. 

Instead, the chores include ocean observations, weather readings, maintaining buildings, lawnmowing, brush cutting, clearing stormwater drains, maintaining the short-tailed shearwater colony's landing pad.

Nearly all transport to and from the island is by helicopter and there is one re-supply visit after three months. This means caretakers are expected to be largely self-sufficient, including organising and packing their own supplies. That's another catch. There's no supermarket, deli or dial-up pizza.

However, you can take up to 800 kilograms of food, clothing and bedding.

The ranger in charge of Maatsuyker Island, Jeremy Hood, says all sorts of people have been caretakers including retirees, sailors, artists and authors.

"It's usually older people but we have had young couples. We do need a minimum of two people so it tends towards couples, but not always."

The accommodation is the former Lighthouse Keeper's Cottage. It has four-bedrooms and a space heater, radio and telephone. But no internet or TV. That Facebook page will have to take a break. 

Despite the island's isolation, Hood says former caretakers are positive about the stay. 

"They are so glad they took the time in their life to have that experience."

Applications for the caretaker position close January 30. Find out more about the positions here.

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