Sydney is the world's second most unaffordable city, Demographia survey finds

How will Sydney and Melbourne be liveable again if house prices are through the roof?
How will Sydney and Melbourne be liveable again if house prices are through the roof? Viki Lascaris

Sydney was the second most unaffordable city in the world to buy a home last year after Hong Kong, according to the annual US Demographia International Housing Affordability survey.

Sydney's median house price to wage ratio was 12 times, up from 7.6 in 2004.

Melbourne, with a median house price to wage ratio of 9.5, was number six on the list.

The Demographia index, which has been criticised in the past for its simplification of affordability, uses data up to the third quarter of 2016.

It showed that, in between Sydney and Melbourne, the world's other most expensive markets are Vancouver, Auckland and San Jose in the United States.

All of Australia's major housing markets including Perth were rated "severely unaffordable", but WA also boasts some of the more affordable locations due to the mining downturn. 

The few affordable places listed in Australia are Karratha, Port Hedland and Kalgoorlie in WA and Gladstone in Queensland.

"Germany is probably the country with the most boring housing market in the world," said executive director of The New Zealand Initiative, German economist Oliver Hartwich, who wrote the foreword to the report.

"German house prices remain stable, and if it had not been for the euro crisis and negative interest rates, the Germans would probably still be able to buy houses for the same prices in real terms that they paid 20 or 30 years ago," Mr Hartwich said.

"The story for other countries like Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and large parts of the United States is a different one. There, house prices have gone through the (now unaffordable) roof."

Mr Hartwich provided an insight into why Australia, and other unaffordable places, failed to fix affordability.

"In a nutshell, the answer to this question has a lot to do with the way councils are funded," he said.

"In jurisdictions where local decision-makers stand to gain from new development, they will be much more eager to make it happen."

In countries like Germany and Switzerland, council budgets depended on their ability to attract new residents and taxpayers, allowing councils to be more responsive and flexible to housing supply, resulting in lower house prices in the long run, Mr Hartwich said.

This policy is being tested in New Zealand, where affordability is also poor.

"Of course, planning reform and liberalisation remain both important and desirable. But without a financial framework that encourages and incentivises development, we will always struggle to deliver the houses we need," Mr Hartwich added.

The survey came on the day Gladys Berejiklian, the new premier in Australia's most expensive state, NSW, vowed she would tackle housing affordability as a priority, but did not provide policy details.

After being elected premier on Monday, Ms Berejiklian declared housing affordability one of her three key priorities, alongside infrastructure and a strong economy, and said that, while she was still a staunch believer in housing supply as the answer to affordability, the NSW government would need "to do more".

The 2017 Demographia survey says that politicians rarely make housing a priority.

"Indeed, as is shown by the data in this survey, in many housing markets, governments have implemented public policies that do the opposite – by severely reducing housing affordability. There has been no shortage of rhetorical concern, but serious initiatives have been absent," the report said.

"There are notable exceptions, such as Singapore's half-century institutional initiative to keep housing affordable and the recent New Zealand government initiatives."

"However, there has been little serious attention to the problem of severely unaffordable housing elsewhere, as governments have stood idly by as house prices doubled and tripled relative to incomes."

Additionally, a city cannot be livable – Melbourne was last year ranked the world's most liveable city by the Economist Intelligence Unit but is number six on the unaffordable list – nor can it be a best city to middle-income households who cannot afford to live there.

"Especially at a time when there is a growing threat of populism to Western democracies, there is a social imperative for making housing more affordable. We should not accept extreme price levels in our housing markets," Mr Hartwich said.

The most affordable housing markets are all in the US, mainly Rochester, Buffalo, Cincinnati, Cleveland and Pittsburgh, according to the report which focuses on on middle-income – rather than low-income – housing affordability.