Queensland earmarks gas for domestic use amid consumer worries about pricing

The Queensland government has released land for gas exploration which can only be used for domestic use.
The Queensland government has released land for gas exploration which can only be used for domestic use. Ryan Osland

Queensland's Palaszczuk government has released land for gas exploration in the state's south-west which can only be used for future Australian domestic use.

With state and federal governments dealing with a looming east coast gas shortage, the move by the Queensland government is likely to fuel speculation other states will follow its lead in order to placate consumer concerns about spiralling gas prices.

Queensland Natural Resources Minister Anthony Lynham on Wednesday said the 58 square kilometres of land for gas exploration in the Surat Basin - which will have strict Australia-only sale conditions on any gas produced - was a only a pilot project, but he was keen to gauge reaction to the plan.

Dr Lynham denied the land release was a move towards a domestic gas reservation policy, but acknowledged it was a response to gas shortages and unrest over the state's largest gas supplies heading overseas from its $80 billion liquefied natural gas export industry based in Central Queensland.

"Secure energy supply is growing as a critical factor when businesses make decisions about when and where they invest, expand and create jobs," he said.

"The Palaszczuk government is jobs-focused and we are prepared to try innovative measures like this pilot to generate private sector investment and job creation. This is a pilot to see what can be achieved and how the market reacts."

But Dr Lynham was quick to say the pilot would have no impact on existing gas producers or contracts in the LNG export industry.

"The major LNG exporters have extensive gas reserves already in place under production tenure, which has underwritten their investment decision," he said.

The Department of Natural Resources and Mines will release the "domestic only" gas exploration land in the Surat Basin - which is already home to 4000 wells producing 790 petajoules of coal seam gas for export as LNG - to competitive tender by February.

The state government will use existing legislative powers to place conditions on the tenure preventing the gas operator exporting the gas.

It comes on top of 11,000 square kilometres recently awarded to gas exploration in the Cooper and Eromanga Basins and 450 square kilometres in the Surat and Bowen basins.

The Queensland Resources Council backed the gas pilot project, with chief executive Ian Macfarlane saying the Palaszczuk government should be applauded for trying to find solutions to the gas shortage "instead of putting their head in the sand".

"This is an innovative response by the Queensland government to the lack of political backbone shown by the governments of NSW and Victoria," Mr Macfarlane said.

QGC, one of the big LNG players in Gladstone, said they would examine the blocks and conditions in further detail before deciding whether or not to formally participate in the bidding process.

But the wider gas industry are wary of domestic gas reservations, such as those used in Western Australia, say they distort the market, don't bring down gas prices and hinder investment.

The Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association said while they welcomed more land for gas exploration they did not support any restrictions on where gas ended up.

"The best - indeed the only - way to put downward pressure on local pressure is to expand supply," APPEA chief executive Malcolm Roberts said.

"However, APPEA is disappointed that the government has, for the first time, attached 'Australian market conditions' to the release of new acreage. While the government is clear that this is only a trial, and it wil only apply to 58 square kilometres, imposing restrictions is unnecessary and can only discourage develompent."

A spokesman for Origin Energy said boosting gas supplies was "best achieved by lifting barriers to investment in exploration and production, not through market interventions".

WA's domestic gas reservation policy - which requires 15 per cent of total supply being used locally - was introduced in 2006. Victoria has a moratorium on all on-shore drilling and gas development and a ban on all unconventional gas such as oil and shale.

NSW does not have a moratorium on gas development but its rules are seen as too restrictive to encourage industry investment.

But with the bulk of Queensland's gas now being exported overseas and with an election due to be called later this year, the Palaszczuk government is keen to show it is doing something to address business and consumers concerns.