Mum shares videos of her breastfeeding her 4-year-old to normalise extended nursing

Four-year-old Shaye will breastfeed until he weans himself
Four-year-old Shaye will breastfeed until he weans himself Photo: Instagram

Sophie Rose says she wants to help other women breastfeed older children "without shame", but she's had to defend herself against critics.

Ms Rose posts videos of herself breastfeeding her four-year-old son Shaye on a dedicated YouTube channel, titled 'Sophie Joy's Breastfeeding Mama', in an effort to normalise extended breastfeeding

"I think the work I'm doing affirms other mums who want to breastfeed older kids or babies," she said. 

"I feel the act of me breastfeeding without shame on YouTube sends the message out that it is okay."

Ms Rose, 40, is British but lives in Chiang Mai, Thailand, with her son and her partner Danny. 

Speaking on YouTube, she said she has no intention of weaning Shaye until he does so himself. She expects that to happen when he is about seven or eight years old.

"Breastfeeding older children is so important. As well as the nutritional value of breast milk, you also let your child know in a very physical way that you are there for them. It's about the comfort and emotional connection," she said.

"When I look at some of the negative comments on my channel, I'm amazed that some people still feel strongly about how wrong it is to breastfeed a child and share that over YouTube. But I'm going to continue uploading videos."

In addition to continuing to breastfeed Shaye, Ms Rose also co-sleeps with him and intends to home school him. The family also follows a high-raw vegan diet.

"Attachment parenting is about treating a child with dignity and respect and meeting their emotional needs fully. Practices like co-sleeping and breastfeeding make a child feel close and reassured," she said.

"I'll breastfeed Shaye for as long as he wants it - that is the goal. I have no fears that I'm going to be feeding Shaye at 18 years old when he's at university!"

Ms Rose was also criticised after admitting to having sex in front of her son. In one of her YouTube videos, Ms Rose said that when her son was younger she would let him latch on and breastfeed while she had sex with his father, who she has since divorced. 

Now that her son is older, she said she will usually stop if her son walks in while she is having sex.

However she continues to be "very natural" about sex around her son.

"I don't believe it needs to be hidden from children," she said. "I won't be broadcasting it to him, but I won't pretend it doesn't exist."