
Janette Gray 1952-2016

Talents placed at the service of mercy

Sister Janette ("Jan") Gray's first book, Neither Escaping Nor Exploiting Sex: Women's Celibacy (1995), emerged from her Masters in Theology for the Melbourne College of Divinity and became a bestseller. Her supervisors and examiners called for its publication.

In the book she explored how celibate women live their sexuality and how their personal challenges yield valuable ideas about human relationships and ecological awareness. The book symbolised a lifelong, passionate concern to educate herself and others.

Born on February 1, 1952 in Adelaide, Jan received a BA and DipEd from Macquarie University (Sydney) before becoming a Sister of Mercy in January 1976. She taught history at several colleges in South Australia. A contemporary from those years recalls: "She was one of those rare breed of teachers who make a real difference in the lives of students and their parents."

A love for theology and spirituality took over, and she received her PhD at the University of Cambridge for a dissertation on "The Christian Anthropology of Marie-Dominique Chenu". At the time of her death, she was completing a book on this French Dominican who had proved very influential in preparing for the Second Vatican Council: Theology for Global People: Chenu.

During her time of study in Cambridge, she also lectured for the Cambridge Federation of Theological Colleges. Joining with Catholic and other Christian scholars in the work of theological education became a definitive commitment.

Home in Australia, Jan lectured at several academic centres in Perth: Edith Cowan University, Murdoch University and the University of Notre Dame. The units she taught included introduction to theology, fundamental or foundational theology, Christology or the doctrine of Christ, the Holy Trinity, women in the church, faith and culture and the theology of the human person.


She also specialised in ecclesiology: the human person in the community of the church, "a community she always saw as ecumenically and untidily open" (Brendan Byrne preaching at her memorial service).

Across Australia, Jan was also much in demand for lectures, not only to the Sisters of Mercy and other religious associations but also to men and women engaged in education. Her themes ranged from "What Jesus came to say to us: evangelisation for today" and "Leadership in the postmodern world and church" to "Directions in religious life" and "The Catholic School's mission of hope to the world".

Leaving Western Australia, Jan joined the faculty of the Jesuit Theological College in Parkville, Melbourne and from that base lectured and supervised dissertations at the United Faculty of Theology (2002–14), within the Melbourne College of Divinity (now the University of Divinity). She became Principal of Jesuit Theological College (2012–14).

With the dissolution of the United Faculty of Theology, she began lecturing at the newly established Pilgrim College (Uniting Church of Australia). For years she was book review editor for Pacifica, recognised as the leading ecumenical journal in Australasia.

Jan had a passion for life and for all that enriched life: theatre, opera, music, art, literature, history and, above all, theology or thinking, imagining, and talking about God.

Since her death, tributes have poured in from past students. One recalled her as "a learned and lively lecturer". Another, perhaps the most gifted and demanding person she ever taught, wrote: "I remember looking forward to her classes, which effortlessly interwove theology, art, and spirituality." She drew creatively on so many sources to make a point.

The book symbolised a lifelong, passionate concern to educate herself and others.

Jan often spoke about her father, Roger, to whom she was exceptionally close. From his lifelong involvement in the labour movement, she inherited much of her own passion for social justice.

Jan was always very dedicated to her family, to the Sisters of Mercy, to religious women around Australia and to her students and academic colleagues. "A stalwart friend to so many in need" was the way one of her colleagues described her.

Serious problems with her pancreas meant repeated surgery in the last years of her life. As one former student remarked: "I marvelled at how much of her humour and strength she retained and how much she was able to minister to others, even as each potential Eureka-moment in her treatment soured in turn."

Jan died on December 24, just as the Year of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis came to an end. When concluding his homily at her memorial service, Brendan Byrne remarked: "We are commemorating today one who, in response to her vocation, placed her multiple talents and energy at the service of mercy, not just for a year but her whole life long. Much though we might wish that her life had been longer, let us be thankful for the gift Jan has been to us all and surrender her gently to the Lord."

She is survived by her father Roger and by her brothers Christopher and Martin.

* Father Gerald O'Collins SJ, AC was a friend and colleague.