

Swimming is a skill every school should teach

Emergency Services Minister David Elliott is quoted as saying his government "cannot be at every beach, river and creek to save swimmers" ("Parents shun swim lessons due to cost", January 4).

Actually there is something very tangible you could do Mr Elliott. You could encourage your leader Mike Baird and fellow minister Stuart Ayres to reconsider their decision to destroy a perfectly fine swimming pool at Parramatta and replace it with a sporadically used football stadium.

The much loved pool has produced generations of water-trained schoolchildren, yet you prefer to have your name on the plaque of a temple of sport (when an underused giant stadium lives down the road at Homebush).

I agree 100 per cent that every NSW student should be exposed to water safety lessons at the very least. In Sydney's west with its diverse multiracial make up it becomes even more important.

This government, however, has a funny way of showing it cares about this growing problem by tearing down the venues where it can be addressed.

Grant Ayre Granville


David Elliott is right that the government cannot be everywhere to prevent drownings. But where it can help equip kids with swimming skills it is failing. Closing Parramatta pool to make way for a stadium without any replacement swimming facility is a huge blunder.

Jeffrey Gabriel Gladesville

I was close to death as I lay at the bottom of the public swimming pool in my rural hometown of Tamworth in 1955. I was rescued by one of my teenage mates after two minutes, around the time brain damage can start.

I have had a backyard pool for 40 years and have avoided any serious mishaps. If I have learned any lessons about safe swimming, the two main ones are: never swim alone; and learn resuscitation methods; in the past week, I updated mine. My granddaughter, a well-qualified and experienced nurse, took me through the basics. From this session, one factor emerged that should be noted carefully: mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is no longer the preferred method – the pumping action on the chest should be used immediately without any mouth-to-mouth procedure. The tempo of the physical pumps should match the timing of the Bee Gees song Stayin' Alive. That is not a joke, and because of the irony of the title, is easy to remember. There are plenty of organisations that provide courses in resuscitation techniques. Make it a serious New Year's resolution to enrol in one now.

Paul Hunt Engadine

At Melbourne High School in the early 1950s, every boy had to attend swimming lessons and demonstrate the ability to swim 25 yards before being allowed to play any other sport. The headmaster, Brigadier Langley, had been on a ship transporting his unit from Egypt to Gallipoli, when the vessel was torpedoed. He would recount how he had managed to swim a short distance to the rescue craft and argued that a person did not need to be able to swim the ocean but did need to be able to get out of trouble. His positive influence on me, personally, extended well beyond swimming.

Ian Riley Bawley Point

Swimming freestyle is not necessary for safety. For most people who have no ambition to become sporting heroes, breast stroke is the safer swimming style. You can see the world around you, keep ears dry and not get your hair wet when you breaststroke.

Carolyn van Langenberg Blackheath

I reckon God wouldn't mind if our God-fearing Parliament switched the funding for school chaplains in every public school to the employment of swimming survival staff in every public school. Simple as ABC.

Joe Whitcombe Bronte

Perhaps our rich private schools, some of whom have two indoor Olympic-sized pools (partially paid for with our tax dollars) would be caring enough to invite children from nearby public schools to have swimming lessons in their beautiful facilities. This would help save lives and could even start communication and friendships between schools.

Lois Katz Glebe

How many unsafe swimming areas display warning signs that are multilingual?

Dennis Merrington East Killara

For baby boomers, school swimming lessons were the norm. Their removal was criminal negligence and their reintroduction is a no-brainer.

William Lloyd Denistone

Anyone who can afford to have a backyard pool can afford swimming lessons.

Kerrie Holmes Kensington

Front-line doctors deserve their say on gun control

So Senator Leyonhjelm believes doctors don't deserve a voice in the debate regarding gun control laws ("AMA targets gun control," January 4).

I disagree, for two reasons. Firstly, I am one of those doctors who, from time to time, care for gunshot wound victims. I doubt the senator would understand the frustration of caring for patients who are injured for reasons of misjudgment, criminality or downright stupidity.

Secondly, there is the cost to the community in caring for these patients. Politicians are the first to decry wastage in the health budget, and yet in this instance the monetary cost to the community is completely ignored by him.

Yes, senator, we do deserve a voice. We are very good at patching people up; but if we can stop an injury happening in the first place, that would be even better.

Dr Liz Mackson Edgecliff

As gun control affects the entire community, surely everyone is entitled to an opinion on the issue.

David Leyonhjelm's derision of the AMA (SMH, January 4) by saying "the organisation was not qualified to debate gun ownership" is not only a total contradiction of his free speech, libertarian principles, but a clumsy attempt to shut down public debate.

It seems to me that the AMA's proposals are eminently reasonable and fair. Their aim is to protect Australia from becoming a gun-crazed society like the USA, where despite appalling massacres, any attempt to alter gun laws is quickly stifled by the NRA.

If anyone is "playing God" it is David Leyonhjelm himself, who appears to believe his opinion is more important than anybody else's. Just because you own a gun doesn't mean you can think. And it doesn't mean that you are more entitled to decide a public policy that affects everybody.

Terry Hastings Hawthorn East (Vic)

Dutton silent on Manus death

While it is interesting to hear Peter Dutton's back-of-a-coaster musing on improving citizenship testing, I am waiting to hear his answers to our latest death in custody ("Dutton wants tougher test for citizenship," January 4).

On December 24, BRF063 died after a fall and seizure on Manus Island. We're talking about a human being: Mr Faisal Ishak Ahmed, a 27-year-old refugee who sought our protection after fleeing the Darfur region of Sudan in 2013.

It is time for Mr Dutton to re-enter the real world, where people in our care are reduced to numbers and die on foreign shores.

There are questions more pressing than citizenship.

Mark Paskal Clovelly

Talk of tougher citizenship tests when the conservatives are in power is like a story on single mothers and welfare cheats on A (re)Current Affair; it's aimed at a similar audience and you know it's going to come up again every six weeks or so.

Mark Pearce Richmond

US model a bad example

The views about monarchy and republic expressed by Julie Lewis add up to little more than this: no republic until politicians become nice ("The age of Trump has turned me into a monarchist, for now", January 4). This is a surprisingly absurd position. Almost as absurd as continuing with a foreign, overseas resident head of state. My only point of agreement with Ms Lewis is on her concerns about the US system of an elected president and separation of powers.

The experience of the US, in an age when respect for office means nothing, shows that a parliamentary appointment would be better. Otherwise we would expose our system to the impossible impasses that have become endemic in that benighted country. I'm not in the least surprised that Mr Christensen has said that he would not accept parliamentary appointment of the head of state, because the problem with such appointment is that it would work relatively smoothly, and with no democratic deficit.

Tom Mangan Woy Woy

Julie Lewis' thoughtful piece on the relevance of the monarchy to Australia raises the issue of declining support for democracy in this country. Why is this so? She supplies part of the answer: poor political leadership. Another reason could be the decline in civics teaching allied to relevant history in the national curriculum. I once had an animated discussion in a lift with a work colleague when I commented that history was the most important subject for high school students. "Rubbish," I was told. Kids need vocational education not useless facts. Well, a lack of recognition of useful facts just got Donald Trump elected. Can prime minister Hanson be far behind?

Chris McGregor Cabarita

It's good to hear from Julie Lewis of what is needed in Canberra. Perhaps if political party strategists and policy makers were to spend extended times with the letters page editors of the Herald and listened to their recommendations they could make "Australia great again".

Nan Howard Camden

Gardens not golf

Hidden away in the report of the plan to move the Kogarah golf course is the news that the new site will take in "the heritage-listed Arncliffe market gardens". ("$100m plan will shift golf course for 5000 homes", January 4).

If these gardens disappear not only will we lose more than 100 years of history, it will affect the livelihood of the gardeners and the availability of locally grown herbs and vegetables.

I hope the developers realise that this little gem supplies much of the greenery on their plates as they dine out to plan the next stage of Sydney's destruction.

Eric Scott Bondi Junction

Joyce bales out

Perhaps Alan Joyce was mindful of Major-General Gordon Bennett, who abandoned the 8th Division he commanded when Lieutenant-General Percival surrendered the Singapore garrison to the Japanese in February 1942 (Letters, January 3).

As Mike Carlton commented, Bennett should have been shot for desertion.

Lt-Col Peter Sweeney Lawson


Thanks to the Australian National Dictionary Centre we have the 2016 Word of the Year "democracy sausage" (although I fail to see how two words could be "word" of the year). I would propose an early contender for the 2017 Word of the Year should be "Twittomacy'', being defined as "diplomacy being conducted via Twitter" (my own definition) (Letters, January 4). I think we are going to see/hear rather a lot of Twittomacy occurring over the next four or maybe even eight years in the USA.

John Toplis Hervey Bay (Qld)

'Back story' a winner

Never mind "moving forward", "growing companies" etc. (Letters, January 4), I nominate "back story" as the winner of the 2016 Designer Words competition. Every time it is used I visualise its creator chortling with uncontrolled mirth as he/she chalks up another patsy. I wonder what delights await us in the "front story" of 2017.

Bryan Hayes Dunmore

We will survive not "moving forward" or "growing companies" if and only if our number one priority is to maintain focus on maximising synergies to leverage stakeholder delight.

Peter Fyfe Erskineville

At the end of the day, Joan Short, it's not rocket science, like, but we've been growing companies 24/7. Just sayin'.

Peter Mahoney Oatley

Must be time to do a Pat Cash

It can't be much longer before we see a celebrating century-maker do a Pat Cash and clamber into the stands to hug friends and family ("High Noon: 100 before Lunch", January 4).

Jim Dewar North Gosford

Good to see the SCG living up to their dress code. At the Test match yesterday I saw a man being ejected from the Members Stand because he was sockless despite his protestations about his footwear being walking shoes.

Louise Luscombe St. Ives.

As Malcolm Knox refers to David Warner as "a cricketing thylacine" I guess I can now confidently expect to see a Tasmanian Tiger running on to a Tasmanian cricket ground in the not to distant future.

Denis Suttling Newport Beach

Where have the SCG seagulls gone? Why have the pigeons replaced them? Are they paying homage to Glenn ("Pigeon") McGrath and the Pink Test?

Peter French Balmain

Global warming religion

Keith Parsons (Letters, January 4) asks "Is there a religious Left?" Yes Keith, there is. Gaia is its God and global warming its religion.

Simon Colwell Lindfield

Smashed spuds

Obviously, Bob Doepel (Letters, January 4) has not been out to a restaurant for a while. Smashed potatoes were on the menu before smashed avocado.

Morrison Hammond St Ives

Dry humour

Hills hoisted ("It's the end of the line", January 4).

Rod Matthews Fairfiled (Vic)