
Letters 4 not for online

It can't be much longer before we see a celebrating century-maker do a Pat Cash and clamber into the stands to hug friends and family ("High Noon: 100 before Lunch", January 4).

Jim Dewar North Gosford 

Good to see the SCG living up to their dress code.  At the Test match yesterday I saw a man being ejected from the Members Stand because he was sockless despite his protestations about his footwear being walking shoes.

Louise Luscombe St. Ives.    

As Malcolm Knox refers to David Warner as "a cricketing thylacine" I guess I can now confidently expect to see a Tasmanian Tiger running on to a Tasmanian cricket ground in the not to distant future.

Denis Suttling Newport Beach

Where have the SCG seagulls gone? Why have the pigeons replaced them? Are they paying homage to Glenn ("Pigeon") McGrath and the Pink Test?

Peter French  Balmain

Global warming religion


Keith Parsons (Letters, January 4) asks "Is there a religious Left?" Yes Keith, there is. Gaia is its God and global warming its religion.

Simon Colwell Lindfield

Smashed spuds

Obviously, Bob Doepel (Letters, January 4) has not been out to a restaurant for a while. Smashed potatoes were on the menu before smashed avocado.

Morrison Hammond St Ives

Dry humour

Hills hoisted ("It's the end of the line", January 4).

 Rod Matthews Fairfiled (Vic).