WA News

Barnett promises new shark barrier for Geraldton

The Liberal Government has pledged to install a shark barrier off Geraldton if re-elected.

The location was chosen despite the last attack occurring in 2013, when a 28-year-old spearfisherman was bitten on the left hand by a 2.5m bronze whaler off African Reef.

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There's a number of products on hand that can help keep you safe in the ocean.

According to Sharksmart, there had also only been a few sightings or detections reported to the website in the last 30 days, and there has been no campaign from locals to install a shark barrier off the Geraldton coast.

This is in contrast to the recently announced plans for Falcon Beach near Mandurah, where residents mounted a campaign for a shark barrier following the death of surfer Ben Gerring off the Mandurah coast last year. 

Premier Colin Barnett announced plans on Tuesday morning for a beach enclosure off Geraldton, saying $200,000 would be provided to the City of Geraldton if he wins the March state election to aid the installation of a beach enclosure.

The City would then be responsible for selecting its location, the type of enclosure and supervising its installation.


"Beach enclosures are an important part of the strategy and are very popular with swimmers, surf- lifesaving clubs and families," he said.

"No single measure alone will protect water users from shark interactions, but a complementary suite of measures will reduce the risk.

"The ability to swim and train within a protected area will make a significant difference to people's peace of mind and enjoyment when undertaking ocean-based activities."

The last fatal attack in the region occurred in 2005, almost 80 kilometres off-shore at Wreck Point near the Abrolhos Islands.

There are now five State Government-funded enclosures in WA, including Old Dunsborough, Busselton foreshore, Middleton Beach in Albany, Sorrento Beach and another currently being installed in Quinns Rocks.