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Homeless law is misguided, dangerous and doomed to fail

In an abrupt about-face that has shocked homeless services, last Thursday Lord Mayor Robert Doyle proposed new laws making it illegal to sleep on Melbourne's streets. "I welcome any move by police to bring an end to what has become a blight on our city," he said. Yet the day before, he'd sensibly said the opposite: "There are cities around the world where they simply bundle homeless people up and ship them out. I'd hate to think that we were ever that sort of city."

What's behind his sudden change of heart? Signs point to intense pressure from senior police, disgruntled city traders and tabloid media, who've been vocal about Melbourne's visible homelessness problem.

Criminalising rough sleeping is a disastrous idea: misguided, dangerous and doomed to fail. It assumes rough sleepers have viable alternatives. But they don't – our homelessness crisis is real. Despite new funding announced in November, Victoria still has a chronic lack of affordable long-term housing. We have 22,000 people homeless and 33,000 on the public housing wait list. Last year a City of Melbourne survey found 247 people sleeping rough around the CBD, a 74 percent increase since 2014.

Experts say banning rough sleeping would simply shift the problem elsewhere, unjustly punish vulnerable people, and impose a huge burden on police and courts. It would also disconnect rough sleepers from support services, exacerbate stress, drug use and isolation, and may force people into dangerous housing situations – for example, back with violent partners.

Fans of the proposal embrace some dodgy myths. On Thursday, Chief Police Commissioner Graham Ashton – who's pushing for this new law, despite resistance from some colleagues – bizarrely claimed that the Flinders Street rough sleepers are faking homelessness to "shake down" tourists for money. Calling the camp "disgusting" and a "very ugly sight", he added: "There are no reasons people should be homeless. There's more than enough beds and accommodation for people to access."

Wrong, Mr Ashton. The experts agree: we don't have homes for these people. Homelessness is not a lifestyle choice; it reflects our dire shortage of affordable long-term housing. Other causes can include poverty, family breakdown, sexual abuse, health crisis, accident, job loss, eviction, loss of income support, mental illness, disability, brain injury, addiction, violence and trauma. Not all homeless people beg, and most begging is passive.


Last week, Premier Daniel Andrews claimed his government had offered accommodation to everyone camped on Flinders Street – but that, for various reasons, they had all refused.

When I visited on Friday night, several camp residents denied being offered shelter, while others had rejected crisis accommodation they said was unsafe or prison-like, expensive, and pointlessly temporary.

"We're not being offered anything appropriate," says Glen, 32, who sleeps rough with his dog Tonka. "You might get a couple of nights in a motel, then you're back out on the street." Besides, he's ineligible: motels don't allow pets.

Cheyenne, 18, became homeless to escape a toxic home environment: "I don't want to be out here, but at least there's safety in numbers." She says rooming houses are terrifying places, and once stayed briefly at St Kilda's notorious Gatwick Hotel. "It's really scary. Not somewhere a young girl should go by herself."

"[The proposal] is a nightmare scenario. Remand centres will be full, suicides will increase," says Peter "Spike" Chiappalone from the Homeless Persons Union. "These people aren't criminals. They've just got nowhere to go." He says well-lit places are safer. "If people are forced back under bridges, they're more likely to get hurt." In claiming rough sleepers are faking homelessness, he adds, the police commissioner is vilifying them. "Mr Ashton needs to examine his conscience and think about what he's saying."

Criminalising rough sleeping is futile, says Council to Homeless Persons chief executive Jenny Smith: "People will simply move to neighbouring municipalities – Yarra, Maribyrnong, Port Phillip." It would also waste already scarce police and court resources, says lawyer Lucy Adams from Justice Connect, which provides legal services to homeless Melburnians.

"Other cities, like LA, have gone down this path," says Ms Adams, an international expert on enforcement-based approaches to homelessness. "It hasn't worked. It's doomed to fail."

Dr Heather Holst, deputy chief executive of Launch Housing, says the law would impose fines that homeless people cannot pay. Unpaid fines can attract jail time. "That can follow you and affect your employment prospects down the track."

On January 11, council and police used "move-on" laws to disband the Flinders Street encampment. Late last year, homeless people were ousted from Hosier Lane after a tabloid scare campaign, and police forcibly evicted others from vacant government-owned houses in Melbourne's inner north. Last winter, council workers broke up one homeless camp in Enterprize Park, then another at City Square, evicting residents protesting Melbourne's lack of affordable housing.

At a crisis meeting on Monday with police and homeless services, Mr Doyle seemed to have softened his stance, promising to work with the sector. A law change is on the cards, but its shape is not yet clear.

Shifting hardship out of sight is no solution. Council meets soon to discuss the fate of Melbourne's most vulnerable community. Let's hope they take the intelligent and compassionate option, and reject this short-sighted idea.

Dr Meg Mundell is a social researcher and former deputy editor of The Big Issue.