
Three men arrested over alleged Facebook Live rape

Facebook has made live, user-generated video a top priority, but it has been repeatedly used to broadcast disturbing ...

Three men in Uppsala, Sweden, have been arrested on suspicion of raping a woman and streaming the assault live to a private Facebook group. Authorities are urging people with access to the images showing the assault to make them available to investigators.

Can computers make decent music? Jukedeck thinks so

Jukedeck’s computers tap tools like artificial neural networks, modeled on the brain, that allow the machines to learn ...

Patrick Stobbs recently sat in a conference room playing songs from his smartphone, attempting to show how his startup, Jukedeck, is at the cutting edge of music. The tune sounded like the soundtrack to a 1980s video game. "This is where we were two years ago," he said, looking slightly embarrassed.

How to pick the right phone for your child

You might want a phone that's purely for emergencies, but realistically your child is also going to want it for social ...

Your child is starting high school this year and will be making their own way home, so you're considering getting them their first smartphone. Or perhaps their friends have one and they've been begging you to join the club all summer.

Apple files $1.3b lawsuit against Qualcomm

Apple's iPhones were made exclusively with Qualcomm modem chips until the iPhone 7.

Apple has filed a $US1 billion ($1.32 billion) lawsuit against supplier Qualcomm on Friday, days after the US government accused the chip-maker of resorting to anticompetitive tactics to maintain a monopoly over key semiconductors in mobile phones.

Ben Grubb metadata case comes to unsatisfying end

The case between the Privacy Commissioner and Telstra was sparked two years ago when the former ordered the telco to ...

A long-running battle over whether or not telcos should have to provide stored metadata to customers on request — which evolved over numerous appeals into a battle over which data should be considered personal — appears to have come to an unsatisfying end this week in Australia's Federal Court.

Smart homes get smarter at CES 2017

The Hydrao smart showerhead uses an LED light system to show how much water is being used.

Home automation is slowly but surely becoming an affordable way to deliver more energy-efficient homes that offer better security, comfort and healthcare.

Is this viral photo filter app spying on you?


Chinese app Meitu has recently taken off in English-speaking countries, and your social feed may be filled with images of your friends' faces contorted into an anime style. But security researchers are warning the app is doing far more making your selfies cute.

Fun with falling in Gravity Rush 2

Gravity Rush 2

This sequel repeats just about every mistake the original made, but in spite of that I fell in love with its sprawling world, goofy characters and thrilling aerial acrobatics all over again.

Seven predictions for Snapchat in 2017

Snap has promised to deliver more devices such as the Spectacles video camera sunglasses.

As Snap moves toward an expected initial public offering this year, it's natural to expect increased predictability and transparency from a company that has thrived so far without much of either.

Samsung Galaxy S8: what we know

This image from Olixar shows off its upcoming clear protective case for the Galaxy S8, but is this what the phone will ...

Samsung has a lot to make up for after the the debacle that was the Galaxy Note7. In the next month or so, it'll have the perfect chance to do it.

The most common passwords of 2016

Keeper found about 1.7 million accounts were protected by the password '123456'. Is yours?

We've all heard the warnings about passwords — use a variety of character types, make it random, use a password manager — but many of us, it seems, still aren't listening.