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zinke or swim

What Trump’s Interior pick means for federal lands and national parks

Ryan Zinke will oversee 500 million acres, or 1/5 of the entire United States.

Watch these veterans explain why they went to Standing Rock

“I didn’t go to war three times to see this happen to my own people on my own soil."

5 tips (and more) for the vegan-curious

Watch and find out!

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blurry vision

Trump’s energy plan is riddled with contradictions

It's difficult to make sense of the current, vague outline.

sound of silence

CDC canceled its climate conference days before Trump was sworn in

“I’m concerned this is an act of self-sabotage on the part of the CDC.”

sight to remember

New satellite sends back its first images — and they’re stunning

NOAA said the images are the start of an age of “high-definition from the heavens.”

au revoir

Even if Trump doesn’t “cancel” the Paris deal, he could still ruin it

Whatever happens, the U.S. will likely undermine global climate negotiations.

regulate to the party

House Republicans are determined to undo regulations — and block new ones

Targeted rules include protecting streams from coal mining and reducing methane leaks on public land.

wage of reason

Tossing environmental rules won’t raise wages, no matter what the White House says

On Day One, a false statement appeared on the White House website.


Science is under assault. On Inauguration Day, scientists speak out.

Scientists, basically: “Um, science is actually really important, you guys."

March with the penguins

Women’s marches, occurring across seven continents, include a focus on environment

A march by eco-minded activists in Antarctica is just the latest of hundreds planned around the U.S. and the world.


Pruitt plans to “review” California’s car pollution rules

The move could jeopardize states' rights.

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