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Rick Perry was blowing bubbles during Trump’s swearing in

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Trump Energy Secretary pick, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, was blowing bubbles while Trump was being sworn in.

Trump furious over sparse inaugural crowds, beats up media

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New WH press secretary Sean Spicer devoted his 1st press conference to complaining about inaugural crowds.
by default 2017-01-21 at 4.14.23 PM

Trump tells CIA employees he may invade Iraq to take their oil

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Trump told employees at the CIA today, in a public speech, that he may invade Iraq in order to take their oil.
Investigate Trump and Russia

Trump inaugurated while under investigation by 5 US agencies (video)

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The FBI, CIA, NSA, Treasury and Justice are all investigating Trump’s Russia ties, have been since last spring.
bob dole obama

Trump blows off wheelchair-bound Bob Dole. Obama embraces him.

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Trump gave a cursory greeting to the Doles and left; Obama stayed with them, laughed, and kissed Mrs. Dole.
by default 2017-01-20 at 12.28.59 PM

Trump uses Obama inauguration photo as his own

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Donald Trump is using a photo from Barack Obama’s 2008 inauguration as his own.

Sign the petition, thank President Obama one last time

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Today our economy is more sound, our air is more clean and our people are more free. Thank you, President Obama.

FBI and 5 other agencies investigating Trump money ties to Russia

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FBI, CIA, NSA, Justice & Treasury are investigating possible secret financial ties between Trump staff & Russia.
Life Accordion Trump

Life Accordion to Trump (pretty hilarious video)

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Someone took video of Trump talking and added an accordion. Trust me, the effect is hilarious.

Former CIA/NSA chief: Putin’s “defense” of Trump was meant to hurt Trump

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Putin “defended” Trump today, knowing it would hurt Trump in the eyes of the American people. That was his intent.
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