AGL flies white flag on fracking

Groups such as Lock the Gate are claiming victory after AGL's decision.
Groups such as Lock the Gate are claiming victory after AGL's decision. Supplied.

For once we are in total agreement with Lock the Gate and other tribes of resistance that have lined up against coal seam gas projects up and down the east coast of Australia.

AGL's decision to walk away from the Gloucester gas project in northern NSW really is a lethal body blow to the unconventional gas industry and one that reconfirms the utter failure of the drillers to make or secure their social licence to operate.

Sure, there are factors other than community pressure that have motivated AGL's decision to hand back the Gloucester tenements to the state government. This is a decision shaped by factors financial, geological and strategic.

First and foremost, it has been clear from the moment that new managing director Andy Vesey took hold of this business last year that he saw little future for AGL in the upstream energy business generally and the carbon extraction business particularly.

Vesey is deep into a transformation strategy that will leave AGL an energy trader more than an energy manufacturer. The gas plan confirmed on Thursday illuminates the broader strategy.

Put simply, Vesey does not want to produce the stuff. He just wants to sell it. The result of this shift in priorities is that, over just the seven months, Vesey has forced $1.3 billion of impairments and provisions on to the AGL balance sheet.

In the end, the nearest Vesey wants to get to the upstream part of the gas business is the storage game. AGL will fill its expanding fleet of storage facilities with gas acquired during seasonal demand and price weakness and then capture bigger margins through the very predictable periods of peak demand.

Meanwhile, back on the geological front, AGL says the Waukivory pilot plant that was supposed to be the bridge between its seven year long appraisal program and a $1 billion decision on developing Gloucester just had not been able to achieve target production rates.

That and the downscaled outlook for the long-term east coast gas price meant that AGL's cash was going to be better deployed elsewhere.

Ah, but unconventional gas is not about facts, it is about optics. AGL's withdrawal marks the most significant victory yet in the activists march to contain the coal seam gas production.

Having crushed the life out of junior main-chancer Metgasco and shadowed AGL to its decision to run up the white flag on its long strategy to construct an unconventional future in NSW, the anti-fracking lobby will be freed to throw all of its forces at Santos and its Narrabri gas project.

The Narrabri looms as the last stand for unconventional gas in NSW. Santos spent $1 billion acquiring the project by taking out a company called Eastern Star Gas in 2011. Back then the plan was to introduce big licks of Narrabri gas into the NSW market from around 2017 with the expectation that it could pretty quickly sustain about half of the state's gas demand.

But outside of Queensland, very, very little in coal seam gas has gone to anyone's plan. The migration to Australia of American-born anxieties over unconventional drilling technologies has manufactured a new and unusually diversified community of protest.

The community that forced Metgasco's exit from the NSW gas sector stretched from the archetypal green warrior to tree-changers to long-baked pastoralists. And, if anything, the lobby confected to challenge AGL's plans for Gloucester was even more diverse. The most important product of this melange of protest was a rapid and apparently permanent evaporation of the political will.

Instead of leading NSW to energy security through exploitation of the wealth of gas that sits on top of the state's abundance of deep coal deposits, the state government first stood mute in the face of this challenge and then jumped in firmly behind the resistance movement.

The first firm sign that the unconventional gas industry had lost government support came in May 2014, when regulatory intervention patently inspired by government indecision saw the withdrawal of drilling approvals already issued to Metgasco.

The oddest thing about that dispute was that Metgasco was not aiming its drill at coal seam gas but rather at a deeper convention gas trap just outside of the northern centre of Casino. But it did have approval to fracture some of the sandstones it was going to drill through and that left it vulnerable to the mob and to the government's lack of will and wisdom.

Metgasco has now left the NSW gas game. In November, to the deep irritation of a rump of its owners, Metgasco accepted the government's offer of $20 million for the return of the exploration licences. Now AGL has decided that the state can have the Gloucester licences as well.

Gloucester was supposed to be the keystone in AGL's decade long strategy to drive itself into the upstream gas business. The project's cancellation leaves AGL well short of the scale needed to support the stand-alone upstream gas business past management wanted, and so its decade old Camden coal seam project will end its life 12 years earlier than previously planned.

Camden will cease production in 2023 and that will be pretty much that for AGL in onshore gas drilling.

The same issues (scale, pricing and productivity) and a few more (a large out of the money supply contract) sit at the heart of AGL's decision to draw a final line under its Queensland upstream gas projects, Moranbah, Silver Springs and Spring Gully.

These assets have been on the market now for two years without any definitive interest emerging. AGL stated the bleeding obvious on Thursday in observing that "difficult market conditions" meant the process might take "some time" yet.

There would appear to be two big problems in that sale process. The first is that the Shell-PetroChina controlled Arrow Energy is a 50 per cent partner in the Moranbah project and the second is a legacy contract to feed gas to the Yabulu power station.

AGL took a $262 million provision on the Yabulu arrangements last July and the company said on Thursday that the sale of Moranbah would likely require "a cash payment" to cover the costs of that onerous contract provision.

Value not volume

Confirming impairments of $US1.7 billion ($2.4 billion) and announcing new investment of $US30 million in additional capacity only to cut overall production 36 per cent does not seem a natural way to encourage a substantial equity market rerating.

But these are strange days indeed, because that is exactly what happened in the wake of South32's confirmation of a very material redesign of its South African manganese business.

South32 shares surged 14.2 per cent in trading on Thursday on news that this relatively minor investment would free it to cut 620 jobs – or 30 per cent of the workforce – from its sprawling South African manganese business.

By increasing capacity at operations nearest to processors and rail tracks, South32 will reduce unit production costs despite reducing production volumes. This is no mean feat in a bulk mining business where peak volumes most usually result in lower costs.

And this feat pretty much sums up what South32 management is all about right now. Value not volume is the theme of the day and this approach sits in obvious contrast to the "we built it, we will use it" approach of South32's former owner BHP Billiton.

That this theme holds even in manganese is telling. It is the one commodity where South32 sits at the low point of the cost curve and produces in volumes that can shape its market.

"We will be taking a nuanced approach to markets," South32 chief executive Graham Kerr told me on Thursday. "We will look at it on a commodity by commodity basis and manganese is the commodity where some supply discipline is needed."

Suddenly Kerr sounds much more like Ivan Glasenberg, his counterpart at Glencore, than he does a former CFO of BHP.