Thought for the day 20 January 2017

Today, Venus makes a deliciously encouraging sextile with Pluto. It's quite a combination: Venus the planet of love, value, pleasure and charm, allied with Pluto's themes of power, intensity, control and secrecy. If today were a novel, it could have been written by E.L. James. Not that I'm suggesting that your life is about to become quite so saucy! There are plenty of other, less salacious, interpretations of this celestial combination. The future isn't black and white. In fact, I can think of at least 50 shades in between.

So what's in store for you in 2017? Your 2017 Guide to the Future will tell you now. It's full of predictions about your year ahead and as it is based on your birth details it's fascinating, amazingly accurate and personal.Your general outlook, your love-life and your finances. It's all here. Get your 2017 Guide to the Future now!


Jan 21 - Feb 19


Is luck on your side this weekend? Well, we have to be just a little careful about how we answer that question. Luck, after all, is a funny thing. In essence it's omnipresent. If it's truly everywhere at once, how can it move from one side of us to the other side? Or from one person to another? Luck doesn't take sides, nor does it make judgments. We take the sides; we make the judgments. And sometimes we make negative judgments about the extent of our own good fortune - or about our entitlement to it. Just be positive now. Now, what's going to happen to you in 2017? Your 2017 Guide to the Future will tell you. It's full of predictions about your year ahead - it's fascinating, amazingly accurate and personal.Your general outlook, your love-life and your finances. It's all here. Get your 2017 Guide to the Future now!


Feb 20 - Mar 20


Before the weekend gets under way, we need to have a little discussion about how important you are. We need to talk about the extent to which you're special and the degree to which you deserve exceptional treatment from the forces that govern the workings of this world. It turns out that you are the top banana, star of the hottest show in town. Who says so? Well, you have your admirers, both here on Earth and perhaps, too, in the more far-flung reaches of the cosmos. You'll see what I mean soon enough! Now, are you worried about what's going to happen to you in 2017? Your 2017 Guide to the Future will reassure you. It's full of fascinating, amazingly accurate and personalpredictions about your year ahead. It's all here. Get your 2017 Guide to the Future now!


Mar 21 - Apr 20


You mean the world to someone. Don't underestimate the importance of this key relationship. Don't assume that you're on your own - or that nobody cares. Right now, though, you're struggling with a tricky task. You're wrestling with a difficult dilemma. A little assistance would go a long way. A little understanding might make all the difference in the world. Don't expect a little; expect a lot. Love, support and co-operation are exactly what you need, they're no less than you deserve, and they are on offer to you this weekend. Now, what's going to happen to you in 2017? Your 2017 Guide to the Future will tell you. It's full of predictions about your year ahead - it's fascinating, amazingly accurate and personal.Your general outlook, your love-life and your finances. It's all here. Get your 2017 Guide to the Future now!


Apr 21 - May 21


You can dwell on the downside if you want to. You're entitled to make that choice. But you will be doing yourself a disservice. You will be looking at the situation from a perverse perspective. You will be forgetting that there's always a reason to doubt everything - and everyone. Nothing is so pure that it doesn't have a side-effect. Nothing is so straightforward that it doesn't have complications. Try to remember that the darkest shadows are caused by the brightest lights. And be glad of what's shining in your heart this weekend. Now, are you worried about what's going to happen to you in 2017? Your 2017 Guide to the Future will reassure you. It's full of fascinating, amazingly accurate and personalpredictions about your year ahead. It's all here. Get your 2017 Guide to the Future now!


May 22 - June 22


Be glad if you've got a problem. That means you can put your problem-solving skills to work. Be grateful if there's tension. Without that, how could you exercise your ability to pour oil on troubled waters? Just as darkness is only the absence of light, so trouble is only really ever the absence of hope. You're about to get what you need to fill a gap, satisfy a requirement and transform a seemingly undesirable situation. This weekend, not only are you about to feel more inspired, you'll feel more supported too! Now, what's going to happen to you in 2017? Your 2017 Guide to the Future will tell you. It's full of predictions about your year ahead - it's fascinating, amazingly accurate and personal.Your general outlook, your love-life and your finances. It's all here. Get your 2017 Guide to the Future now!


Jun 23 - Jul 23


How did your football team fare during their last game? And what will happen if they lose? Sports fans feel thrilled when their heroes and heroines are winning - and devastated when they're falling behind. Yet, those who cheer for a different team - or who have no interest in the game at all - could hardly care less. With that in mind, let's now ask how much a situation really matters this weekend? It matters as much as you choose to allow it to matter. And over that, whether you know it or not, you do have a choice. Now, are you worried about what's going to happen to you in 2017? Your 2017 Guide to the Future will reassure you. It's full of fascinating, amazingly accurate and personalpredictions about your year ahead. It's all here. Get your 2017 Guide to the Future now!


Jul 24 - Aug 23


They say, 'In giving, we receive.' That's very true. There are some rare pleasures that can be experienced only through acts of generosity. Those feelings, sensations and moods can't be reached in any other way. That's why 'kindness' works as a concept. It just isn't quite as selfless as it seems! But, that's only the case if you want to give. If you don't, if you're merely acting out of obligation, there's little joy to be had. So, whatever you do this weekend, you need to do it from the very bottom of your heart. Now, what's going to happen to you in 2017? Your 2017 Guide to the Future will tell you. It's full of predictions about your year ahead - it's fascinating, amazingly accurate and personal.Your general outlook, your love-life and your finances. It's all here. Get your 2017 Guide to the Future now!


Aug 24 - Sep 23


In polite society we all use euphemisms. We don't speak bluntly and directly. We allude and we imply. In this way, we dance delicately around the edges of sensitive issues. Then we wonder why none of us fully understands each other. There are times when it's entirely appropriate to restrain ourselves to hints and suggestions, but there are also times for straight talking. If you want the improvements that you deserve in your emotional life, it's time to say what needs to be said and to hear what needs to be heard. Now, are you worried about what's going to happen to you in 2017? Your 2017 Guide to the Future will reassure you. It's full of fascinating, amazingly accurate and personalpredictions about your year ahead. It's all here. Get your 2017 Guide to the Future now!


Sep 24 - Oct 23


Goldilocks ate the porridge, broke the chair, slept in the bed and was then woken by the sight of three very bemused looking bears. So she ran away. But the bears weren't actually angry. Indeed, baby bear was most upset because he thought that he'd found a new playmate! The old children's story is all about mishaps and misunderstandings. And its timeless popularity reflects the way in which we all tend to worry more than we need to when things appear to go wrong. But your tale, this weekend, can have a happy ending. Now, what's going to happen to you in 2017? Your 2017 Guide to the Future will tell you. It's full of predictions about your year ahead - it's fascinating, amazingly accurate and personal.Your general outlook, your love-life and your finances. It's all here. Get your 2017 Guide to the Future now!


Oct 24 - Nov 22


There are some things that you're not very good at. There are skills you have yet to master. Techniques you still struggle to learn. You'll eventually overcome many of these difficulties with practice. Others, you may never fully conquer. But there's one thing that you can always do brilliantly. You're truly magnificent at the art of 'being yourself'. Nobody else in this whole wide world can match you in that regard. It just so happens, during this surprisingly helpful weekend, that this is the only thing you need do... or be. Now, are you worried about what's going to happen to you in 2017? Your 2017 Guide to the Future will reassure you. It's full of fascinating, amazingly accurate and personalpredictions about your year ahead. It's all here. Get your 2017 Guide to the Future now!


Nov 23 - Dec 21


This weekend's biggest and most important question is, 'What matters?' Different people have different opinions. We don't all share the same priorities. It's somewhat arrogant to assume that if something matters to you, it must also automatically matter to someone else. Yet, if something doesn't matter to you it's very hard to make it a priority - even if another person would very much like you to do that. Somehow, you have to decide that it does matter to you - because the person that it matters to matters to you. Now, what's going to happen to you in 2017? Your 2017 Guide to the Future will tell you. It's full of predictions about your year ahead - it's fascinating, amazingly accurate and personal.Your general outlook, your love-life and your finances. It's all here. Get your 2017 Guide to the Future now!


Dec 22 - Jan 20


'Anger is the enemy of non-violence and pride is a monster that swallows it up'. So said Gandhi who remains a shining example of how to campaign for a righteous cause in a righteous way. He didn't stoop to the level of his opponents. He fought injustice but he also fought against his own baser instincts. I'm not suggesting that you'll be tempted to resort to violence, but pride and anger may be clouding your judgment to some extent. Replace them with tolerance and trust as you reach for what's right this weekend. Now, are you worried about what's going to happen to you in 2017? Your 2017 Guide to the Future will reassure you. It's full of fascinating, amazingly accurate and personalpredictions about your year ahead. It's all here. Get your 2017 Guide to the Future now!