IT Pro

IBM, Accenture at war over health payroll bungle

The two IT firms at the centre of the health payroll inquiry have taken to public submissions to continue their battle against each other.

Accenture and IBM have each tendered last ditch submissions to Commissioner Richard Chesterman who is finalising his report into the bungled Queensland Health payroll system, which left thousands of workers overpaid, underpaid or not paid at all when it was rolled out in March 2010.

Accenture had been the preferred provider of the system, but IBM eventually won the contract.

The hearing phase of Mr Chesterman's inquiry finished on June 18, but just days earlier, both IBM and Accenture sent in tender submissions addressing issues with the testimony of representatives from the other's firms.

In its submission, IBM took issue with the testimony of Simon Porter; a former executive with Accenture, who was involved with the rival firm's bid.

During the inquiry, IBM executive Lochlan Bloomfield had been questioned over an email he was forwarded in August 2007, which was allegedly written by Mr Porter and contained details about Accenture's proposal.


Mr Bloomfield said he could not remember who sent him the email, but did admit to using information it contained to highlight comparisons between Accenture's pricing structure and IBM's.

But in a submission to Mr Chesterman, lawyers for IBM questioned why there was no focus on suggestions of “improper conduct” in the email's offer of lunch, which IBM lawyers claimed was “apparently contingent on 'how good' an outcome” the email's intended recipient could obtain.

Hitting back, lawyers for Accenture replied to IBM's submission and said the firm “did not once attempt to put its allegation to Mr Porter directly when he was in the witness box”.

Accenture accused IBM of choosing to make its allegations “only indirectly by public submissions, in a manner that would inevitably cause the greatest harm to Mr Porter's personal reputation and [by association] the reputation of his former employer".

Accusing IBM of attempting to distract the commissioner from the real matters at hand, Accenture implored Mr Chesterman to dismiss IBM's allegations.

Mr Chesterman is due to hand his findings to Premier Campbell Newman on July 31.

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