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  • (NE) Hide replies from guests   By Nathan Explosion

    • $5.00
    • 0 reviews
    • 3
    • 7
    Plugin which allows administrators to control the display of topic replies to guest viewers, showing a custom editable message to guests. Guests must register & sign-in to be able to view the replies. Can be set on all or specific forums. Topic exceptions can be made using a comma-separated listing of the topic IDs which will not be affected. Version information as follows: v1.0.0 (unreleased) Initial version v1.0.1 (unreleased) Added setting to apply to all or some forums. v1.0.2 (unreleased) Fixed issue with editor not discarding attachments when saving settings. v1.0.3 (unreleased) Added setting to exclude topics (by comma-separated ID list) v1.0.4 (released) Default value for 'Exclude topic(s)' changed from 0 to blank. v1.1.0 (released) Converted from theme hook to code hook. Coming in next release (v1.2): Tom Irons' Cloak plugin functionality will be incorporated in to the plugin. Name change for the plugin (new name currently undecided)
  • Newsletters   By HeadStand

    • $50.00
    • 0 reviews
    • 12
    • 34
    Allows the Administrator to create, edit and manage custom newsletters and their content. Forms of content such as Latest Topics or Latest Blog Entries can automatically be distributed without the Administrator having to do more than set-up the newsletter and let it run.

    Features Administrator can create custom titles and content for newsletters to be distributed Administrator can set automatic intervals for newsletter distribution (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Anually), or a manual customized distribution date. Allows Administrator to set which groups of people will receive newsletter (Members, Administrators, Moderators, etc.) Allows Administrator to create multiple pending issues of newsletter Administrator has ability to view all back issues of newsletter Allows for multiple content types based on the IPS components installed in the current environment Newsletters can be distributed in plain-text or HTML format Members can subscribe/unscribe to any available newsletters at any time Members can decide which format (plain-text or HTML) they would like to receive Administrators can customize the HTML layout and CSS for each Newsletter Web view of all newsletter issues Customizable content for each block for each newsletter Note: This is an update of the previous [HSC] Newsletters mod for IPB 3.x. If you have data from the previous version, it will be imported to the new application.
  • (DP41) Topic Notes   By DawPi

    • $10.00
    • 0 reviews
    • 0
    • 1
    With this plugin you can allow specific groups to add special topic notes. Only selected groups will be able to view, edit or delete these notes.
  • (NB41) Who To Follow   By newbie LAC

    This plugin will display the block with X random users Idea This plugin also: - display following counter and followers counter on hover card - display the block "Following X members" in user profile - display the page "Members %user% is Following" If you have any questions before purchase please use support topic. Support topic

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