Read this and prosper! Self-help explained

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This was published 8 years ago

Read this and prosper! Self-help explained

By John Elder

I can't get enough self-help books. I seem to consume them like peanuts. Why is that?

It may be that you are a self-help addict. In the past 10 years, publications such as Women's Health and the Daily Mail — and countless bloggers — have run confessions from people who finish one book, get a temporary high, and move on to another book when the brief lift has crashed. It's thought that this cycle of boost and crash is why the most likely purchaser of a self-help book is someone who bought a self-help book within the previous 18 months.

However, the rise of the self-help junkie is being met head-on. Bloggers such as offer self help tips for ``Moving From Self Help To Self Reliance".

There are plenty of books to choose from if you're looking for self-help.

There are plenty of books to choose from if you're looking for self-help.Credit: Domino Postiglione

Some claim that self-improvement is an actual sickness. Dr Robert Anthony, a US hypnotist who conjured the term ``the disease of self improvement" argues that self-help books are counter productive because they are premised on there being something wrong with you. The same Dr Anthony has sold millions of books, including The Ultimate Secrets of Total Self-Confidence and The Miracle of You.

Yeah, I've read those. But I need more. I'm not ashamed. I WANT MORE!

Calm down. Englishman Paul McKenna, ``the world's best hypnotist" and author of I Can Make You Thin, has been paid £7 million ($13.8 million) to write a new self-help book, every month, for a year. The titles include I Can Make You Smarter, Change Your Life In 7 Days, and Instant Influence and Charisma.

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt Golding

Business Insider estimates the worth of the global self industry – including seminars, tapes, DVDs and books – at $12 billion. Other reports say the US market alone is worth that much. Hence, the hunger for personal transformation is such that McKenna's books are all expected to reach a large audience.

Of course not all self-help helpers are the same. Evidence shows that self-help programs based on peer reviewed research for specific diagnosed problems, such as anxiety and depression, or sensible guides to diet and organisational skills – all of which require consistent hard work – have been shown to provide some benefit. The self-help discussed here is that which promises the quick fix, the magic pill, the virtual lotto win of wealth, health and happiness.


Still, it sounds like I need to get focused and wean myself off the scene. Sometimes I wonder if there maybe just ONE book that can turn my life around...

One of the liveliest debates online is whether Jesus was the greatest self-help guru of all time – making the Bible the greatest self-help book, stonings of adulterers notwithstanding – and the others are heathen frauds. It seemed for a while that the Bible had a competitor in The Secret, the 2006 sensation, written by Australian Rhonda Byrne, which promoted the law of attraction as the catch-all cure and curator of a brand new you, and 19 million people went for it. Especially Oprah Winfrey. The law of attraction holds that if you focus all your thoughts on what you want in life – wealth and good-fitting shoes – all would be delivered.

Somehow, Byrne's thoughts clashed with those of her partners who helped produce and market The Secret DVD – and messy court cases and media coverage painted an ugly picture of greed and betrayal. Byrne responded by publishing The Power, The Magic and Hero – all of which go to further unpacking what The $ecret​ is really about.

Well at least Rhonda's an original thinker

Actually, the law of attraction as a driver of personal change was first floated in 1987 by Ralph Waldo​ Trine's In Tune with the Infinite that claimed: ``He who lives in the realisation of his oneness with this Infinite Power becomes a magnet to attract to himself a continual supply of whatsoever things he desires." As US writer Laura Vanderkam​ points out in a terrific 2012 article The Paperback Quest for Joy, Trine's work set off a 20th century industry based on the law of attraction. Byrne's genius was in the packaging and psychological framing of her argument – which was a variation of old mind tricks.

Like the Jedi? Well, that's cool and righteous.

Not so much. In 2010, two US professors of psychology pulled apart the various cognitive tricks we play on ourselves that Byrne – and her ilk – exploit to such devastating success. One is called the ``illusory correlation" – where powerful cause-and-effect connections are perceived to exist between events that are more likely happenstance. There's the illusion of potential, ``our readiness to believe that we have a vast reservoir of untapped abilities just waiting to be released". And there's the logical fallacy called the argument of authority, where a false argument is bolstered by quotes from holy figures such as Gandhi and St Augustine.

The authors noted that the latter ``taps our intuitive beliefs so forcefully that we psychology professors spend time training our introductory students to actively resist it".

The professors noted that The Secret could be best understood as an advanced meme – a sort of intellectual virus – ``whose structure has evolved throughout history to optimally exploit a suite of weaknesses in the design of the human mind".

Still, if so many people believe in the law of attraction, there must be something to it, right?

This week, as New Zealand man was convicted of burglary and dangerous driving charges. His argument against prison was a behind-bars reading of The Secret, which he said had turned his life around. No doubt visualised freedom or at most house arrest. He'll be out in 12 months.

So personal growth books are all crap?

Opinion is divided. In 2005, Steve Salerno published SHAM – How the Self-help Movement Made America Helpless, in which he argued that magic-pill books not only fail to live up to their promises, but are also harmful. There is no evidence to back up this claim.

Dr Jeremy Dean is a researcher at University College London – and author of Spark: 17 Steps That Will Boost Your Motivation For Anything.

Dean runs the fascinating and well-respected website which features scientific research into how the mind works. In a post titled Is Modern Self-Help Just a Massive Money-Making Scam? Dean says that we can't really know if these books are wholly ineffective, and sees some benefit in their message of hope. ``Exposing ourselves to a hefty dose of hope probably helps us cope better with life, even if it can't really make us all thin, rich and ecstatically happy," he writes.

However, Dean claims that some of the fundamentals of self-help are just plain wrong.

Venting your anger is good. Dr Dean says research shows that expressing your anger helps maintain it. Melbourne psychologist Lyn Bender adds the caveat that anger needs to be processed, starting with a loong walk to cool down, followed by reflective thinking.

When depressed, think happy thoughts. Dean says research shows that trying to think happy thoughts when we're depressed can actually make our current unhappiness even more obvious. Lyn Bender notes that her truly depressed clients are incapable of forming a happy thought.

Visualise your goals. Dean says in order to achieve a goal we need to focus on the problems that stand between us and reaching our goal. However, Lyn Bender says that for some of her clients the mere idea of a goal is a breakthrough.

Use self-affirmation. Like, ``I'm a great person, I'm a genius." Dean says we don't believe our own praise – and what we really need is praise from others to raise our self-esteem. Lyn Bender says that affirmations just get in the way of taking an honest look at yourself.

Bender adds that the magic phrases of self-help are helpful as conversation starters. And the conversation should be with another person – not the prescriptive pages of a book that deals in universals, and not a unique person.

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