Daily Life

Pregnant US soccer star Lauren Holiday faces brain surgery, news outlets report on how it'll affect her husband's NBA season

You might've figured that, if lacking in your standard, run-of-the-mill empathy or even simple common sense, the media would have at least learned something from the backlash over last month's sexist commentary at the Olympics, and subsequently checked their bias when reporting on female athletes.

But no, here we go again.

US women's soccer star, Lauren Holiday.
US women's soccer star, Lauren Holiday. Photo: Jeff Vinnick

Lauren Holiday, the US soccer midfielder, who retired in 2015 after claiming a World Cup trophy and two Olympic gold medals with the US women's national team, has been diagnosed with a brain tumour while eight months pregnant. According to reports, the tumour is benign and operable, but she has to wait until after her baby is born before she can safely go into surgery.

Considering the grave details, and the fact that she is a well known and admired sports figure in her own right in the US (as well as being a league and finals MVP for Kansas City in the US women's domestic league, she also scored a first-half goal in the 2015 World Cup final that put the trophy back in US hands), you might expect that Holiday would be the focus of her own story. 

Instead, in some gross displays of misogyny and insensitivity, a number of publications have chosen to focus on "another" potential tragedy here: how Lauren's illness will affect her husband's - NBA point guard for the New Orleans Pelicans, Jrue Holiday - upcoming basketball season. 

Aargh, he could miss a few games of hoops, people! (you know, while some pregnant lady lies in hospital with a tumour or something, I don't remember).


Besides the emphasis on Jrue's interrupted season and the lack of info identifying Lauren's own accomplishments, many publications covering the story somehow didn't even get around to mentioning Lauren Holiday's name AT ALL in their headlines, as The Guardian notes.

'Jrue Holiday to miss start of season as wife recovers from brain surgery', wrote Sports Illustrated.

'Pelicans' Holiday taking leave for wife's brain surgery,' wrote the Associated Press.

'Jrue Holiday will miss start of the season to care for pregnant wife, who has a brain tumour', wrote Bleacher Report.

The whole disgraceful incident recalls the commentating lowlights of last month's Rio Olympics, where accomplished female athletes were routinely discussed in reference to the men in their lives. Who can forget Hungarian swimmer Katinka Hosszu having her world record gold attributed to her husband, or bronze medal-winning US trap shooter Corey Cogdell-Unrein being referred to as "wife of a Bears' linesman"?

Understandably, Holiday's husband Jrue has refused to be dragged into the ridiculous speculation over his upcoming season, telling a reporter at New Orleans' Times-Picayune that "my family comes before basketball... My wife is the most important thing in the world to me. She comes before anything else."

Sexist sports writers might do well to re-read those words before penning their next column.
