Daily Life

Pop the champagne, 56 per cent of men say sexism is over

Women, you can all finally calm the f--- down: men have declared that sexism is officially over. Get the sparklers!

A US Pew Research survey of over 4,000 people, aged 18 to 65, came up with the surprise revelation, with 56 per cent of male respondents saying that gender inequality was all but gone.

Hooray, sexism erased!
Hooray, sexism erased! Photo: Jonathan Kirn

"What about the wage gap?", you might cry. "Or, you know, rape culture, domestic violence statistics, government representation numbers, the constant backlash against women in positions of power, the household work gap? What about all those things, for starters?"

Nah, yeah that's all over, said men.

As you may have expected, female respondents in the survey were a little less optimistic, with only 34 per cent agreeing that the obstacles that make it harder for women to get ahead are largely gone.

Tellingly, the whole thing was split dramatically across age and party lines, too.


Only 38 per cent of 18 to 34-year-old dudes believe that sexism still exists, compared to 63 per cent of women in the same age group.

And politically, 68 per cent of Democrat voters - probably attuned to the misogynist rhetoric their presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has been forced to endure - said that obstacles still make it harder for women to get ahead, while only 35 per cent of Republicans - party of King Feminist, Donald Trump - agreed with the sentiment.

You can read the full study here.