Daily Life

Woman tweets alleged groping incident on plane, then posts photo when police do nothing

When Ariana Lenarsky took a man's photograph on a plane, she was hoping she wouldn't have to resort to posting it online.

But the photo, and her tweets in the lead-up to her decision to post it, have now gone viral after she used the platform to crowdsource advice for dealing with being groped as she boarded a flight in Texas.


After informing the flight attendants and learning that other women had already complained about similar treatment from the same man, Lenarsky – a Los Angeles based writer and performer – checked back with them to find out their plan, since it was too late to kick the passenger off the flight.

She was told the captain had been informed and that local police would meet them at landing. She took her seat and waited, feeling "depressed".

At the other end, Lenarsky gave a statement to the police, along with the other women – one of whom the perpetrator had allegedly tried to kiss. She was then told that she could only press charges from Austin, and she'd have to pay for her own flight back there to do so. Because the other woman's assault took place in the sky, any charges would involve the FBI. The woman declined to pursue it.

As for the police response? She says they promised to give the perpetrator a "talking to", and informed the women victimised by him that "it's not the crime of the century".

With that, Lenarsky decided she would post the man's photo, since all other avenues failed to provide any sense of consequences.

She tweeted that since it's "not the crime of the century," it shouldn't be a big deal that she posted his picture.

The incident comes amid global discussions about sexual harassment and assault, in the wake of (ongoing) revelations and allegations about the conduct of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Women are increasingly frustrated about the lack of recourse against men who harass them and grope them, and the lightness with which authorities often treat such allegations.

Although it's controversial to do so, many are resorting to social media to create some consequences for perpetrators that might cause potential offenders to think twice before feeling up a stranger's leg.

And as this case shows, sometimes doing so really is the last resort.
