China in pole position to shape regional trade agreements after Trump quits TPP

President Trump signs three executive orders

China is in a strong position to set the agenda for trade in the region after US President Donald Trump officially abandoned the Trans-Pacific Partnership, leaving its other 11 members searching for an alternative deal.

So far, two main options have emerged. Australia is pushing for countries like Indonesia and China to join the TPP and salvage an agreement that took more than five years to negotiate, locking in robust standards on labour, intellectual property, food safety and the environment as well as tariff cuts.

Other countries, such as China and Malaysia, are promoting the benefits of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). This was an initiative led by South-east Asian countries to set up a trade deal with key partners in the region; China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, and was being negotiated alongside the TPP. China is pushing for it to be signed this year.

Wang Jun, director of the Department of Information at the China Centre for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE), said Beijing was unlikely to be in favour of joining up to the TPP, given it played no role in the negotiations.

China's President Xi Jinping has mounted a strident defence of economic globalisation, in a major speech at the World ...
China's President Xi Jinping has mounted a strident defence of economic globalisation, in a major speech at the World Economic Forum. AP

"In my opinion, China would not like to take the leftovers from the US, especially when Japan is so actively involved in the TPP," said Mr Jun from the CCIEE, which is a "think tank" under the country's top economic planning agency, the National Development and Reform Commission.

"The US withdrawal from the TPP is not necessarily a bad thing as it gives China and other countries a good opportunity to adjust their trade strategies and not just be guided and led by one country."

Instead, Mr Jun expects China to push forward with RCEP which will allow it to play a bigger role in the region's economic integration.

"It is time for Australia to choose which bus to take – isolationism or globalisation," he said.

"Australia should make a rational, clear-cut decision and one that will benefit the country."

However, RCEP, which was first flagged in 2011 with formal negotiations starting a year later, is facing several challenges. Some countries see it as an inferior agreement or "TPP-lite" because it is focused on tariff cuts rather than international standards around labour and the environment. Even on tariff cuts, the TPP targets are more ambitious.

The involvement of India also complicates negotiations as Prime Minister Narendra Modi, while keen to boost exports and gain greater access to Asian markets for India's service-sector workers, is less inclined to open up domestic markets.

And while Chinese President Xi Jinping defended "economic" globalisation during a speech in Davos last week, China's economy is still relatively closed to foreign investment, particularly in sectors like mining, construction and services.

Still, Zhao Ping, director of the Department of International Trade Research at the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, said the likely collapse of the TPP will focus countries on the RCEP. She said China was unlikely to join the TPP.

"Australia should move actively to find regional trade treaties outside the TPP," Ms Zhao said.

"They should find treaties which are practical and which can be realised.

"China will play more of a leadership role in the international economy because of the shift toward protectionism," she said.

Beijing has also been promoting a plan for a Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific (FTAAP) that would include all 21 economies involved in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation group and has suggested RCEP could be a precursor to such an agreement.