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Saudi Oil Minister Shrugs At U.S. Shale Recovery

Saudi Oil Minister Shrugs At U.S. Shale Recovery

Despite the increased efficiency and production from U.S. shale since the oil price crash, the Saudi oil minister claims to not be losing any sleep over the threat

4 days ago
What A Trump Presidency Means For Canadian Oil

What A Trump Presidency Means For Canadian Oil

While Obama was not necessarily a bad President for oil & Gas, Trump’s administration could be more favorable for oil and gas in both the U.S. and Canada

4 days ago
Oil Price Rally Sees Large Jump In M&A Activity

Oil Price Rally Sees Large Jump In M&A; Activity

The pain is almost over for the shale patch, with those that have survived now returning to full health and M&A; deals increasing in both frequency and value

4 days ago
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