What happened to China's stimulus?

Out the front of Yuan Yimin's studio on Huating Road in the fFormer French concession Shanghai, China. His painting of ...
Out the front of Yuan Yimin's studio on Huating Road in the fFormer French concession Shanghai, China. His painting of Xi Jinping sits on the table as passersby stop and look. He sips tea and smokes on a break from painting. Olivia Martin-McGuire

Four years ago, as the pace of China's economic growth slowed significantly, the world was on stimulus watch.

At some point, many investors reasoned, the Communist Party's tolerance for slower growth would reach its limit and the government would revert to pumping money into big infrastructure projects and the construction sector to pick up the pace. Every economic statistic was weighed on its potential to trigger a stimulus.

But after months and then years of slowing data with no visible signs of a big stimulus push, the market gave up on the idea.

It seemed that China's policymakers were keen not to repeat the mistakes of the stimulus unleashed in response to the global financial crisis, which while it kept growth ticking along, left the country saddled with high debt levels and soaring inflation.

The policy focus was on rebalancing the economy away from investment-led to consumption-driven growth. And the slower pace was rebranded as the "new normal."

That was until Premier Li Keqiang gave his annual speech at the National People's Congress in March this year. In comments that took the world by surprise he appeared to reinstate economic growth as the Party's primary goal.

"Development is of primary importance to China and is the key to solving every problem we face," he said.

Impact immediate

The impact was immediate. Annual credit growth ran at 15 per cent in the first quarter, there was a resurgence in the sluggish property market and steel production in March jumped to near-record highs as old blast furnaces were re-opened. The pick-up in the steel sector, which pushed up iron ore prices, was in part driven by a speculative boom in commodities futures as retail investors bet the stimulus would continue.

While the short-term outlook for the economy improved, analysts and economists fretted about the government's commitment to long-term structural reforms and its ability to deal with ballooning debts.

It emerged last week that some in the leadership were also concerned about the sudden change in policy direction.

An article appeared in The People's Daily quoting a so-called "authoritative source", who highlighted leverage as the key financial risk facing China. Boosting growth by increasing leverage was like "growing a tree in the air," the authoritative figure reportedly told the newspaper.

This was followed up by a long piece from Chinese President Xi Jinping, outlining his views about the economy and how the Communist Party would deal with challenges.

Cutting capacity, reducing inventory...

Xi stressed the importance of "cutting capacity, reducing inventory, cutting ­leverage, lowering costs, and strengthening the weak links".

The message was that China would not resort to debt-fuelled growth. 

And in keeping with this message, the banks pulled back in April. Figures released on Friday showed new yuan loans more than halved to 555.6 billion yuan ($117 billion) from March, well below expectations.

Total social financing, the broadest measure of liquidity in China, fell to 751 billion yuan, down from 2.3 trillion yuan in March.

This followed some reports the People's Bank of China had been asking banks to cut down on new lending.

China appears to be reining in its short-lived stimulus push. And that affected the latest round of economic data which was weaker than expected for April

"Policy easing momentum has likely peaked, as the government re-emphasises the need to control financial risks and push forward with structural reforms," says UBS economist Wang Tao.

"We think that Chinese credit policy will likely resume a more normalised pace going forwards but remain accommodative to support growth and facilitate structural reforms."

Policy shift

ANZ's Raymond Yeung says "the PBOC will just ensure an adequate level of liquidity in the money market. Deleveraging will dominate the policy tone. The policy outlook will be targeted easing instead of broad-based."

This latest  policy shift doesn't necessarily mean spending will drop off dramatically. But it should deter any more steel mills from reopening blast furnaces.

Last week the Ministry of Transport and the National Development and Reform Commission announced infrastructure investment totalling 4.7 trillion yuan in the three years to 2018, covering over 300 projects in rail, road, water transportation and airports. So clearly, there is still a big focus on investment. But JP Morgan chief China economist Zhu Haibin says this is not 2009.

"It is helpful for the growth-stabilization efforts by the government, but it does not represent a new stimulus package, and we view it is completely wrong to link it with the 4-trillion stimulus package in 2008-09."