Hunter Hall LIC defies Wilson's request for buyback exit scheme

Wilson Asset Management threatened to roll the board of Hunter Hall Global Value.
Wilson Asset Management threatened to roll the board of Hunter Hall Global Value. Peter Braig

Hunter Hall's listed investment company, Hunter Hall Global Value, has declined to comply with Wilson Asset Management's request for an equal-access share buyback, leaving the board at risk of being rolled.

Geoff Wilson's Wilson Asset Management wrote to the board of Hunter Hall Global Value, or HHV, last week seeking a buyback at net tangible asset value (NTA) for all shareholders. As HHV's biggest investor with more than 11 per cent of the register under its control, WAM has the ability to call an extraordinary general meeting to install new directors, which it appears now poised to do.

Mr Wilson said he was "disappointed" with the board's decision. "I don't think they're treating all shareholders with the respect they should be. Examples of that are where they don't communicate in the letter [HHV's] underperformance for the last 10 years," he said, adding that the response appeared to "trivialise" the matters raised by WAM "which are very serious to all shareholders".

In defending its position, HHV said there is enough liquidity in its stock for shareholders to exit on market "as and if they wish to do so".

"The buyback proposed by WAM is not in the best interests of HHV shareholders," said Paul Jensen, chairman of the listed investment company, in an ASX statement on Tuesday.

The sticking point is that WAM wants investors to be able to quit their holding at no less than NTA which is slightly higher than where the shares are currently trading. Further complicating the matter, turnover is improved at least in part because of the buying of WAM early in January when it lifted its stake, and its subsequent activism.

Meanwhile, Pinnacle Investment Management's rival below-market bid for the heart of the ethical funds management empire, Hunter Hall International, has been described as "unrealistic" by one of the fund manager's independent shareholders.

Carlos Gil, chief executive of fund manager Microequities Asset Management, said he could see how buying Hunter Hall made strategic sense for Pinnacle, but he could not see how shareholders were better off if they accept Pinnacle's $1.50-a-share offer.

On Monday, Pinnacle delivered a deal superior to Washington H. Soul Pattinson's $1-a-share bid, but even though Pinnacle's offer rises to $2-a-share upon certain conditions being met, both are below market value. Soul Patts already has 19.9 per cent of the company after striking a deal with founder Peter Hall. Hunter Hall International shares closed at $2.23 on Tuesday.

"I don't think Pinnacle or Soul Patts expect Microequities to tender its stock at the price point," Mr Gil said. "We don't consider $1.50 – even though in the bid offer document it says it could go up to $2 – a realistic price to pay for Hunter Hall."

A backer of fund managers such as Hyperion Asset Management and Solaris Investment Management, Pinnacle's intent had more "industrial logic" behind it than Soul Patts, "but again, they're putting in an unrealistic offer price".

"If you look at the funds under management and the profitability of Pinnacle, it is an expensive company by traditional valuations so if they were to succeed in acquiring Hunter Hall it makes synergistic and financial sense for them," Mr Gil argued.

"Clearly Pinnacle is a better fit. If anything, Pinnacle has more reason to provide a premium than Soul Patts because it will derive industrial synergies."

Mr Gil said the focus was on who Mr Hall would agree to sell his remaining 24 per cent stake to. "The biggest shareholder in Hunter Hall has taken a number of decisions which are devoid of financial logic and the market is responding in an opportunistic manner," the fund manager said. "The real question is does Peter think Pinnacle is a better suitor than Soul Patts?" Microequities reduced its stake January 20 having previously owned more than 5 per cent.

Morningstar says the abrupt exit of the highly regarded Mr Hall as chief investment officer of his eponymous fund manager "shows a significant disregard for investors" and described Hunter Hall's performance as "feast or famine" because of its tendency to take concentrated positions in stocks.

"Peter Hall's shock resignation after 23 years of running Hunter Hall is undoubtedly causing disruption and distraction within the business, with further resignations possible. These factors can negatively impact future performance, in the short term, despite the best efforts of the remaining investment team members," Morningstar analyst Ross MacMillan said in a note to clients regarding its flagship managed fund, the Hunter Hall Value Growth Trust.

James McDonald, acting CIO at Hunter Hall, is an "impressive" talent but "we believe, ultimately, Hunter Hall will become a meaningfully different firm than the one dominated by Peter Hall's strong high-conviction investment philosophy".

Mr Hall resigned in December for personal reasons, having become frustrated with board meetings and the compliance burden which was distracting from his investment thinking. Although he sold 19.9 per cent of Hunter Hall International he retains a 24 per cent stake in the company.