On the evening of Friday, January 20th, a comrade of ours was shot in the stomach in the most public place on the University of Washington’s campus in Seattle – a place called “Red Square” for...

The international group of the Durruti column

A short account of the fate of the Lithuanian anarchist Samuel Kaplan, who fought with the Durruti Column in Spain.

Chin Up, Fangs Out sign Oakland women's march

With the inauguration of Donald Trump as president of the United States, protests occurred in at least 370 cities around the world. The following is a subjective account of the Women's Marches...

An anarchist reports from the 'Rise Up and Resist Fascism: Inauguration Day Protest' J20 demonstration in Portland, on the 20th January 2017, which began in Pioneer Courthouse Square,...


A book by Mike Pudd'nhead about his experience working at Jimmy Johns in the Twin Cities, Minnesota and attempting to organize a union with the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) from...


Roosevelt with the Shah of Iran

A detailed account of the overthrow of nationalist Iranian Prime Minister Mossadegh by the CIA at the behest of the British and American governments, written by Stephen Kinzer.