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Karl Quinn
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Karl Quinn

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A little place in Modena, Italy, served me one of the best meals I've ever had. No, not the one you're thinking of.
When it comes to dining, fine or otherwise, there's more than one way to judge the best in the world.

Karl Quinn

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One of the funniest scenes yet in the six-season history of The Walking Dead this week. 
This week the brainiacs set out to prove they can mix it with the killers, but one of them ends up paying a big price.

Karl Quinn

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Awesome to see Maggie taking the lead in this week's ep of The Walking Dead
Jesus leads Rick and co to the promised land of Hilltop, but it's up to Maggie to deal with the community's sleazebag leader.

Karl Quinn

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This leaves a slightly bad taste in the mouth. 
Molly Meldrum may be in serious ill health, but that hasn't stopped Seven milking the situation to promote its forthcoming miniseries.
Karl Quinn's profile photoChris Ryan's profile photo
My good Mr Quinn, I was merely opining that any opportunity to promote a title was a good opportunity, the question  of taste notwithstanding!

Karl Quinn

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There goes the neighbourhood: My recap of the mid-season finale of The Walking Dead season 6
As the Walking Dead retires to the dressing room for the half-time break, the future looks even bleaker than usual for just about everyone.

Karl Quinn

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The angriest, geekiest, most real anti-hero on television - and the man who created him. Sam Esmail talks Mr Robot.
Elliot Alderson isn't your typical television hero. But, his creator tells Karl Quinn, he may be one of the medium's most real.

Karl Quinn

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Handsome devil, that Negan. Emphasis on devil.
Having occasionally slowed to a shuffle, The Walking Dead finally got the villain it needed in the season 6 finale.

Karl Quinn

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It's gruesome, yes, but is The Walking Dead also the most diverse show on television?
If Hollywood wants to know what on-screen diversity might actually look like, it only needs to turn on the television.

Karl Quinn

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Move over Lady Gaga, this is how you do a Bowie tribute
Another music awards show, another David Bowie tribute - only this time, it was perfect.

Karl Quinn

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It was 18 years between movies for The Dressmaker's Jocelyn Moorhouse. Here's why.
Jocelyn Moorhouse was living the Hollywood dream when life decided it had other plans for her. Eighteen years on, she's back, and still able to see the funny side.

Karl Quinn

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The year we fell in love with Australian film again. But why?
Last year we didn't want to know about Australian movies. This year, they set a new box office record. What's behind the massive turnaround?

Karl Quinn

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Daryl gets diddled and Abraham gets sexy. Yes, seriously.
Daryl has a run-in with some hillbillies on the lam, while Abraham tries to convince Sasha to run away with him to this great little insurance office he knows.
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