Lunch with Patrick Hughes

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This was published 10 years ago

Lunch with Patrick Hughes

By Karl Quinn

Patrick Hughes knew he had arrived the moment he arrived – in Cannes, on top of a tank, surrounded by his new mates – Sly, Arnie, Mel, Harrison, and Dolph – in what may have been the most gauche publicity stunt the world’s most famous film festival has ever seen.

“I said to them, ‘This could be crass marketing’,” a beaming Hughes says of the promotional assault orchestrated for his first Hollywood blockbuster, Expendables 3, which included five days on a luxury yacht. “We just went there [to Cannes] and had a huge party. None of it had anything to do with filmmaking, and I had a ball.”

We are talking in Cookie, a perennially pumping bar/restaurant/nightclub in Melbourne’s CBD. Hughes has picked this place not just because he loves the food but because he used to work here and he wants to say hello to some of his old mates. He may have arrived, but he clearly hasn’t forgotten where he started.

That moment in Cannes was every testosterone-fuelled boy’s dream come true, but it had been a long time coming. Hughes has been making movies since he was eight, and is the first to concede the die was cast right from the start.

Lunch with film director Patrick Hughes at Cookie.

Lunch with film director Patrick Hughes at Cookie.Credit: Angela Wylie

“The first film I made starred a Han Solo action figure and a Rambo action figure,” he says. “It involved fly spray and a packet of matches and Rambo sets fire to Han Solo.” His rudimentary stop-motion film lasted all of 23 seconds and, he says, “it was awesome. It was my first ball of flame. The template was set!”

It was watching the Coen Brothers’ Raising Arizona on a flight to Europe when he was 10 (peeking through the gap between seats as it played on the big screen, while pretending to be asleep, as per his mother’s instructions) that really turned him on to filmmaking. “The scene that floored me was Nic Cage robbing a supermarket with a shotgun for nappies,” he says, still in awe. “I’d never seen anything like it. I was like, ‘How, how, how did this come into creation?'”

Since graduating from film school in 1999, Hughes has been crafting 30-second slices of wonderment. His career shooting commercials has kept him seriously busy and honed his craft. “I can honestly say I’ve shot pretty much everywhere on the planet; on average, probably 20 to 30 [commercials] a year,” he says. “I’ve had the benefit of working with some incredibly talented people. I love those guys. I want to be Don Draper.”


In 2013, he became briefly embroiled in a “Disney-stole-my-film” kerfuffle when keen-eyed observers noticed some striking similarities between his short film Signs (a commission via ad agency Mojo Publicis for Schweppes) and the Oscar-winning animated short Paper Planes. Some claimed John Kahrs’ Disney-backed six-minute film had copied Hughes' ideas, though Hughes did not share the outrage.

Cookie's eggnet salad.

Cookie's eggnet salad.Credit: Angela Wylie

“There are similarities, but I really admire the short, I think it’s beautiful,” he said in an interview at the time. “I certainly don’t want to be some whingeing filmmaker after a guy has won an Academy Award.”

He said everything he had ever made had arguably been inspired by someone else. “You’re only as good as your next piece of work anyway.”

The grilled Thai sausage.

The grilled Thai sausage.Credit: Angela Wylie

If that was a diplomatic response, it also made enormous pragmatic sense. As the scandal hit. Hughes was in discussions in Hollywood about his own next piece of work. One of the projects on the table was Expendables 3, the latest movie in Sylvester Stallone's late-career franchise in which some of the biggest action stars of the '80s and '90s – Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dolph Lundgren, Jet Li and Wesley Snipes among them – mix bruising stunts and chunky one-liners to dubious, but profitable, effect (the first two films have taken a shade under $600 million globally, though the prognosis for the third is unclear, after a high-quality copy was illegally downloaded more than 2 million times in the weeks before its release).

The film represents a sizeable step up for Hughes. He made his first film for $720,000, largely financing it himself. “I really rolled the dice on that one,” he says. “I mortgaged the house. If we didn’t get a distributor I would have been in a really hairy situation, probably have had to sell the place.”

The bill, please.

The bill, please.

As it happened, Red Hill sold in every market in the world in the days following its debut screening at the Berlin Film Festival in March 2010. He even got a call from his agent, telling him Sly Stallone was a huge fan of the film. Hughes was chuffed – the working title of his revenge western had been “Rambo in the High Country” – but admits, “I thought it was useless information”.

Three years later he was shooting a Bonds commercial – that one where the girls dance around in brightly coloured underwear (“that was a tough job,” he says) – when he got another Stallone-related call from his agent.

“He said, ‘Sly wants to sit down with you; you need to get on a plane’. We were literally shooting. When we wrapped for the day I jumped on a plane to LA, didn’t sleep – I was trying to stay in the time zone for the commercial – went to the meeting with Sly and [producer] Avi Lerner in Beverly Hills. I’m like, ‘What the f--- is going on?’ – I was so jetlagged – but we just hit it off. Then I went straight to LAX and flew back to Sydney, went straight to the set, and kept shooting the Bonds commercial, and no one was any the wiser.”

The budget on Expendables 3 was reportedly around $100 million, though it is fair to assume most of it went on fees for the actors (Bruce Willis reportedly turned down an offer of $3 million for four days’ work because it just wasn’t enough; he wanted a flat million-a-day). “You try to make the movie on what’s left,” Hughes says matter-of-factly.

The stress, he says, is the same regardless of how much money is at stake. “Red Hill had its challenges. You’re like, ‘F---, we need five horses to come over that ridge and I can only get four’. Expendables was like, ‘I need five tanks and we can only get four’. It’s the same problems, different scale.”

Talking of scale, what about all those egos? “The egos were fine. I didn’t have one ego on set. I am very vocal, I like to create a good vibe on set. Ninety-nine per cent of the job of the director is communication, having absolute clarity of your vision. Actors are like anyone, they just want to feel comfortable, know why they’re there, what they’re doing. If you can have that confidence to put them at ease then they feel comfortable enough to relax and have a good time. We had a really good time.”

It is not hard to imagine Hughes mixing it happily with this crack team of iron-pumping tough guys. He rocks up to our lunch on his motorbike, his head shaved, his broad shoulders and chunky arms plain to see in his grey T-shirt. He is an engaging and likeable character, bristling with restless energy.

His life is not all fun and games, though. His marriage did not survive all the jetsetting. He says he has two homes now – one in St Kilda, the other in Venice Beach – and sometimes has trouble telling them apart. “I’m serious. You just end up with two of everything: two cars, two motorbikes, two sets of problems.”

He has two kids too, and he is determined to make sure they remain part of his life, and he part of theirs, wherever his career takes him. “My daughter has just started school. I used to take her all round the world – she’d filled her passport by the time she was three – just shooting, following me around.”

That’s not an option any more, but he has other strategies for safeguarding his family life. “You put it in your contract,” he says. “On the next one I’m going to fly them out three times [during school holidays].”

His son, who is five, visited him on the set of The Expendables 3, arriving just in time to witness a huge explosion. “I think he thinks I work in demolition,” he says. “Literally, he thinks my job is just to blow shit up. Which in many respects it is.”

Action isn’t necessarily where he sees himself spending his whole career, but for now that’s where it’s at. His next film is a remake of The Raid – a well-regarded heist movie, made in Indonesia by Welsh director Gareth Evans – with the Indonesian cops replaced by American DEA agents.

Hughes told the studio he wanted to meet some of the black-ops agents for real. Arranging that became a minor black op in its own right. “One of the Sony executives trains at a gym where a guy knew a guy who knew a guy who knew a guy,” he says. “A week later I got a call saying, ‘Right, you’ve got to meet them on Thursday at 2pm, at this pizza restaurant’. I didn’t even know who I was looking for. They gave me fake names and everything.”

He spent three hours with three men whose job regularly sees them flying to a remote country, taking out a target (usually a drug cartel figure), being shot at and, hopefully, flying home again. Each of them had a “go bag” under the table, in case they got the call to leave during the meeting.

“These guys are the real deal, they’re like the gunslingers of the Old West, they get thrown into these lawless lands to uphold justice and fight for the good of humanity. Wow, man.

“It’s not often you meet someone and think, ‘Damn, you’re job is so f---ing cool’.”

The little boy in me knows exactly what he means.

The Expendables 3 opens on August 14.

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