Explainer: What Theresa May wants from Donald Trump

British Prime Minister Theresa May faces another hurdle before she can pull Britain out of the EU.
British Prime Minister Theresa May faces another hurdle before she can pull Britain out of the EU. PA

Hopefully Theresa May is not superstitious because the omens haven't been good ahead of her first meeting with Donald Trump.

The UK Prime Minister has spent the past two days batting away questions about a serious malfunction during the testing of the Trident nuclear deterrent after a missile was launched from a British submarine off the Florida coast in June. It was reported over the weekend that the unarmed Trident II D5 missile had to be detonated as part of an "automatic self-destruct sequence" after it veered off course towards continental North America.

May stands accused of covering up the botched test just weeks before the House of Commons held a critical vote on whether to renew the nuclear defence system. The issue could fester for months. In the meantime she cannot afford any misfires when she sits down with Trump in Washington on Friday. A successful meeting could salvage what is shaping up as the worst week in her short premiership.

The optics certainly work in May's favour. As former Conservatives leader William Hague noted this week: "May's arrival at the White House ... as the first foreign leader to visit President Trump sends a clear message to the world about the intimacy of the ties between London and Washington DC."

Keeping it special

For traditionalists such as Hague, preserving the "special relationship" between the US and Britain should be a crucial foreign policy objective for both sides. Even the Trident failure can be turned into a positive reminder that the UK "only have missiles that work at all because America is happy to sell them to us – something it does for no one else". There are even suggestions that May-Trump could reach the same level of mutual affection as Reagan-Thatcher.

And Trump's much-maligned press secretary, Sean Spicer, hinted during a briefing with reporters on Monday there will be no loosening of the ties. "I think we've always had that special relationship with Britain and that will reflect in the conversation there," he said. "We can always be closer."

At the top of May's agenda will be kick-starting exploratory discussions about a free trade agreement with the US that would not just cut tariffs on goods and services but make it easier for highly skilled workers to move between the two countries.

In much the same way preliminary discussions between Australian and UK trade officials have focused on easing visa restrictions for certain types of migrants, May hopes to link FTAs with a greater flow of skilled migrants across the Atlantic. It is worth noting May has been less open to relaxing visa rules for Indians, which suggests her focus will be on countries which are politically palatable for the 52 per cent of voters who backed Brexit – namely the UK and Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the US.

While Trump claimed in his inauguration speech that protectionist policies will "lead to great prosperity and strength" and wasted no time confirming he will abandon the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a regional trade accord championed by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, he will nevertheless be keen to demonstrate the US is still open for business.

Trade deal a useful counterpoint

Doing a trade deal with a like-minded country such as Britain would be a useful counterpoint to the protectionist stance he has adopted with China and Mexico. It would also help both sides downplay their economic and strategic links with the European Union at a time when May (due to Brexit) and Trump (due to his disdain for Germany and France's political leaders) need to demonstrate they have constructive foreign-policy options outside the continent.

Yet despite this common ground May faces serious challenges in her dealings with Trump. The UK cannot hold proper trade talks with any country until it has left the EU, a process that will take at least two years and could last longer. Even then it will have to negotiate its membership of the World Trade Organisation which could prove to be a complicated process.

The remaining 27 members of the EU have made it clear they won't be doing May's Conservative government any favours. "There is nothing in the treaties that prohibits you from discussing trade," said European Commission spokesperson Margaritis Schinas on Sunday. "[But] you can only negotiate a trade agreement after you leave the European Union."

May will also have to tackle her US counterpart on NATO and Russia. Trump's concerns about the effectiveness of NATO are fuelled by the fact some European nations do not pay their way. It is one of the few areas where his criticisms reflect those of former President Obama.

May is expected to announce Britain is committed to spending at least 2 per cent of its national income – the target threshold for NATO members – on defence over the next three years. This could give her more leverage when it comes to urging Trump to adopt a tougher stance on Kremlin aggression.

"I've spoken to him about NATO," May told the BBC on Sunday. "NATO has been the bulwark of our security here in Europe and we work together in NATO. We've both made the point before about contributions being made by countries ... I believe that's important."

She also pledged to continue to call out Trump if she found his behaviour unpalatable. Asked if she would raise Trump's sexist remarks during their meeting, May replied: "I have already said that some of the comments that Donald Trump has made in relation to women are unacceptable.

"When I sit down I think the biggest statement that will be made about the role of women is the fact that I will be there as a female Prime Minister, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, directly talking to him about the interests that we share."