China goes from fake GDP data, to no data amid worries about housing market

 The Guiyang International Big Data Expo 2016. Beijing has a long record in stopping the publication of independent data ...
The Guiyang International Big Data Expo 2016. Beijing has a long record in stopping the publication of independent data which tells a different story to the official figures. Liu Xu

Just a week after China admitted to faking some Provincial GDP data, Beijing has moved to stop publication of two independent real estate surveys in a sign authorities are worried about a sharp property slowdown.

Both E-House and the China Index Academy told The Australian Financial Review they would no longer be publishing monthly home price data, saying it had become "too sensitive" and the government wanted only "unified figures".

A source from one of the data providers said authorities claimed the public and investors would be "confused" by home price data which was different to the official figures.

"If you are given three watches and they all show different times ... nobody will know the time," the official is said to have told one of the data providers.

Beijing has a long record in stopping the publication of independent data which tells a different story to the official figures.

Sensitive data

This often happens during periods when a sector is slowing more quickly than the official data indicates, suggesting 2017 may be a volatile year for China's all-important housing market.

"Property market data is very sensitive," says Julian Evans-Pritchard, the China economist at Capital Economics.

"These [cancellations] suggests the property market may be cooling very quickly in some cities."

The official narrative on house prices is that after a year of big rises in 2016 the market has been "stabilised", helped by the introduction of tightening measures by banks and local governments.

"They want prices to cool but not too quickly," says Evans-Pritchard.

This means Beijing needs to take back control of the narrative on home prices, much the way it has done in other areas.

In early 2012, during a lumpy patch for vehicle sales, authorities stopped a private firm from publishing car registration figures.

That left analysts using much less reliable car sales data, which was officially sanctioned and released by industry associations.

Cancelling the 'flash' PMI

Then in September 2015, during an equally weak period for China's manufacturing sector, publication of the so-called "Flash PMI" was halted.

The Flash, which was released towards the end of each month, was billed as the "earliest indication" of manufacturing activity across China and regularly moved international markets.

But after HSBC stopped sponsoring the index in June 2015 no international bank or research house wanted to take its place, with one of those approached saying it was "too risky" for anyone who wanted to do business in China.

It was then picked up by Chinese media group Caixin and killed off four months later.

The issue, like the car registration data and home price surveys, was that the Flash PMI was often at odds with official figures.

Evans-Pritchard says this lack of alternative data simply fuels suspicions that the official figures can't be trusted.

This so-called "smoothing" of the official GDP data has become so bad that Capital and others now release forecasts on what they believe the official data will show and what the actual figures should be.

Ironically, just a week after China admitted the province of Liaoning had faked its economic growth data between 2011 and 2014, Evans-Pritchard believes the official data and the actual data are now beginning to line up.

"We believe there was a sharp slowdown [in GDP growth] to around 4 per cent in 2015 which was not reflected in the official data," he says.

"But there was also a sharp rebound last year. Our Activity Proxy has growth at around 6.4 per cent in the fourth quarter, compared to official number of 6.8 per cent."