Mystery as Mint loses nearly $1 million to 'unauthorised payments'

Royal Australian Mint CEO Ross Macdiarmid.
Royal Australian Mint CEO Ross Macdiarmid. Elesa Kurtz

The Royal Australian Mint lost nearly $1 million after four "unauthorised payments" were made by an employee through the agency's online banking portal last year.

The revelations are contained in a new audit which raises questions over how government departments are securing information - suggesting public servants are using generic logins, departments are accidentally allowing unauthorised public servants access to portals and large payments are being made without appropriate checks.

According to the audit, in May 2016 $1.095 million was transferred out of the Mint's back account in four payments. Rather than being made through the Mint's financial management software, an unnamed individual was able to transfer the funds through the Mint's online banking portal.

"These payments were not initiated though the Mint's financial management information system, rather they were made directly through the online banking portal. The online banking portal, although requiring two separate authorisations, was not configured with dollar limits on transactions or protocols for who is an appropriate independent second authoriser," the report read.

The Mint said so far it has recovered $180,000 of the missing money, with the total unrecovered payments at the date of the report at $915,000.

In response to questions from The Australian Financial Review, the Mint said it was "subject to an external fraud" and it had now reported the incident to the Federal Police.

"An external party committed fraud which resulted in the Mint making a payment to the external party," it said, adding that the employee is no longer with the agency.

The audit report also said three government departments - including two which the federal opposition has attacked the government for not providing enough funding to - were undercapitalised.

The report said the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the Australian Taxation Office and the Environment department had weak balance sheets. While the audit office said the ATO's finances were improving, it said the ABS - responsible for providing the recent census - had to "continue to prioritise elements of its work program" in order to stay in the black.

The office said the Department of Environment and Energy's balance sheet was weak because of "a significant unfunded liability relating to the rehabilitation of its Antarctic sites".

"The Department of the Environment and Energy has indicated that the Australian government is committed to maintaining Australia's ongoing physical presence in the Antarctic and the possible cessation of research activities and the requirement for funding to undertake the rehabilitation of its Antarctic sites is remote," the report's author's wrote.