Poor villages beat posh hotels for actress and ambassador Danielle Cormack

Danielle Cormack with young villagers in Cambodia and her favourite travel technology: a solar lamp.
Danielle Cormack with young villagers in Cambodia and her favourite travel technology: a solar lamp. Supplied

Her best trips ever have been to Cambodia and Vietnam as a ChildFund ambassador, says actress Danielle Cormack. She answers our Traveller Q&A.;

First, business or economy?

First when the upgrade gods are smiling on me. Business when I am travelling for business, so I can hit the ground running. Economy when travelling with family or going on holiday.

Most frequented destination?

Thailand. I've had a wonderful affair with that country for 25 years. The combination of cuisine, people and culture makes it a destination I never tire of.

If I ran my own airline I would…

...have a special section for parents and caregivers. No one likes a crying baby on a flight, least of all its caregiver. It's incredibly stressful and even worse when you have disgruntled passengers tut-tutting. A sectioned-off area would be a blessing.

Where would you go with a million air miles?

I'd take my two sons to meet one of the children I sponsor through ChildFund. She lives in Uganda.

Best trip ever?

I've had incredible trips to Vietnam and Cambodia with ChildFund. I visit remote areas to connect with locals and hear about life in their communities. I love travelling off the beaten track and relish the opportunity to see how people live in less privileged regions. What may be lacking in beautiful architecture and fine dining is made up for in the spirit and resilience of the people.

In the suitcase?

A disproportionate amount of underwear for the time I'm away, a book and my Moleskine so I can write or draw things that come to mind.

What technology do you use?

The iPhone 7 has a great camera and filming preferences. I used to travel with a big camera but needed to downsize my pack. The best piece of travelling technology I've had lately is a solar lamp for use in areas with no electricity. I was introduced to it by a young girl in Cambodia, who received it through ChildFund's Gifts for Good program. She uses it to study at night because there's no power in her home.

Best travel tale?

Being invited to a ceremony on a rooftop in a small village in India to celebrate a boy's rite of passage. The whole village was invited. There was the most incredible food and singing and dancing. It was magical, but I was only able to witness moments of it through a small window. The hosts considered me a "special" guest so they granted me the place of honour – sitting inside a dark room in front of a black-and-white television set to watch a badly transmitted cricket match between Pakistan and India.

Best overseas purchase?

It's an amethyst I bought from a young man at a market in Marrakesh, Morocco. Our conversation led to him taking us on a journey into the Atlas Mountains. We stayed with his family, who are Berber. It was the most extraordinary experience – being so far away from civilisation and living in such a primal way. The land there is incredibly fertile, with crystals lying on the roadside and carbonated water flowing from the mountains.

Best thing about travelling?

Everything – new foods and different politics, languages and traditions; experiencing the ethos and psyche of a country I've never been to before; making new friends; getting different coloured dirt between my toes; and bringing home bits of the world that stay with me forever. My partner and I have a competition to see who can get the most air miles, so the more I travel the more I get to gloat.

Cure for jetlag?

It's all about pre-planning. Don't drink alcohol on the flight, but do drink an unmentionable amount of water. I also adjust my routines to the new time zone, no matter how little sleep I've had.

Other travel tips?

Make sure you get a global roaming package if you are using your Australian mobile. I just got stung heavily by my phone bill. It hurt.
