
Big wig education official faces court over 152 criminal charges

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As far as charge sheets go, this was a thesis.

Former Education Department "big wig" Nino Napoli fronted Melbourne Magistrates Court on Tuesday over allegations he was involved in an alleged rort that swindled millions from the state's neediest schools.

Charge sheets released by the court show that Mr Napoli, the alleged ringleader of the scam, faces 152 separate criminal charges.

The 76-page document detailed more than $400,000 that Nino Napoli allegedly dealt with as proceeds of crime between 2007 and 2014.

He also faces charges of conspiring to defraud, dealing with the proceeds of crime, perverting the course of justice and furnishing false information by producing false invoices for services that never existed or were never provided.

The 61-year-old – who was the centre of a lengthy Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission investigation – faced court alongside his sister-in-law Dominica Napoli, his younger brother Robert Napoli, his cousin Carlo Squillacioti and former Essendon North Primary School principal Michael Giulieri.


The IBAC investigation linked Nino Napoli to at least $1.9 million in profits which allegedly benefited his relatives and associates, and a further $4.4 million in suspicious transactions and contracts.

During the public hearings, it was revealed that the funds were also spent on overseas travel, lavish meals, alcohol and even an expensive toupee for Nino Napoli.

Mr Giulieri was charged with three counts of perverting the course of justice after providing investigators with false explanations for illegitimate payments, and falsely telling an IBAC examination that someone had worked at his school between 2004 and 2007.

Carlo Squillacioti has been charged with perverting the course of justice, furnishing false information and dealing with proceeds of crime that totalled more than $280,000.

Robert Napoli and his wife Dominica were each charged with dealing with proceeds of crime totalling around $56,000.

The case was adjourned until July 25 for a committal mention, but Mr Giulieri is set to return to court in March. Nino Napoli's distant relative Daniel Calleja has also been charged over his involvement in the alleged scam, and will also appear in court in March.

An IBAC report released last year, said Nino Napoli obtained the school funds by "carefully selecting and grooming principals and business managers".

"The conduct uncovered during IBAC's investigation was underpinned by a malevolent culture of non-compliance and entitlement," it said. 

"Evidence suggests this practice to be pervasive and long standing."

School funds were allegedly directed to companies run by Nino Napoli's family between 2007 and 2014.

The former executive oversaw a $5.5 billion budget when he worked at the Department of Education.