Deven Green (born January 31) is a Canadian comedian, performer, and musician. Green is known for her video comedy parodies, including her performance as the satirical character Mrs. Betty Bowers, "America's Best Christian."
Green was born and raised in Manitoba, Canada and holds dual Canadian-U.S. citizenship. She began working as a professional figure skater and later started her comedy career at the Second City in Toronto. She has acknowledged comedian Harland Williams as giving her a big break in Canada by casting her in the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation stand-up comedy show Comics!. She later moved to Los Angeles to further her career.
Green portrays the satirical character Mrs. Betty Bowers, "America's Best Christian." She has also released several videos that offer comic parodies of existing footage or of other entertainers. Her video parody of "Welcome to My Home" went viral. Singer Rufus Wainwright cited it as a favorite in a New York Times interview.