

France and Britain bicker over the fate of 'Jungle kids' from Calais

Calais: France has demanded that Britain take in hundreds of unaccompanied children from war-torn countries after the UK suggested that Paris should do more for them following the closure of the "Jungle" migrant camp in the northern port city of Calais.

Bulldozers have spent the week flattening the sprawl of ramshackle huts and tents that had been home to about 6,000 refugees and migrants from Asia, the Middle East and Africa hoping to cross the English Channel to start new lives in Britain.

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The end of 'The Jungle'

French workers begin demolishing the Calais migrant "Jungle", with officials hoping that its thousands of residents evacuate peacefully.

Most have now been bussed to other centres across France pending examination of their cases, but the plight of hundreds of minors still roaming the area – nearly 1,500 of whom have signed up for temporary lodging in shipping containers in Calais – has become a point of dispute.

British Home Secretary Amber Rudd told her French counterpart Bernard Cazeneuve on Friday that his government must guarantee the protection of youngsters left in limbo after the evacuation of the Jungle.

"Any child either eligible or not in the secure area of the camp should be cared for and safeguarded by the French authorities," she said. "We understand that specialist facilities have been made available elsewhere in France to ensure this happens."

Many of the children have family already settled in the UK.


Mr Cazeneuve replied that Britain should "quickly execute its responsibilities to take in these minors, who hope to come to the United Kingdom. This is the best way to give them the protection they are due," he said.

The head of France's Ofpra refugee agency, Pascal Brice, put it more bluntly.

"We've done Britain's work in tending to the adults," he said. "The least they can do is take care of the isolated minors who ... have an interest in going to Britain."

French government officials in the region say that 1,451 minors were now living in the shipping containers. Britain has so far accepted just 274 children from among this group, France says.

European Union rules say Britain must take in unaccompanied children who have family ties there. 

Aid groups say hundreds if not thousands more adults and minors may have fled into the hinterland around the Jungle, ready to return when the heavy police presence wanes.

Others, they say, have moved south to Paris – migrants numbers in the French capital had by Friday risen by one-third, with hundreds of tents and cardboard boxes now lining bustling boulevards and canals in the north-east of the French capital. Some 2,000-2,500 migrants – mostly believed to be from Africa – are now sleeping on the streets of Paris. 

In Calais, smoke and dust floated over the old Jungle site as bulldozers cleared mounds of debris and rubbish, watched from afar by a group of youngsters who had slept outdoors in an area that once served as a school for camp-dwellers. Charity workers gave them food on Friday.

Abdul Hadi, an Afghan youth who gave his age as 16, said he spent 10 months in the Jungle but failed to register with the French authorities for help when the evacuation started on Monday.

"I hope I can get to the UK this week," he said.
