
Southerly doubts over Sydney-Hobart race puts line honours record in play

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Uncertainty over the strength and duration of the forecast southerly is looming as the biggest factor in this year's Sydney to Hobart.

The race is tipped to start under fresh north easterly breezes, possibly strengthening to between 20 and 30 knots in the afternoon.

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Boxing Day will again see the legendary Sydney to Hobart race kick off with forecasts suggesting there will be a chance to break the line honours record.

The Bureau of Meteorology says the southerly tipped for late Monday evening could be a lot lighter than the forecast, which could lead to a faster race and a better chance of breaking the line honours record.

"The best guess at the moment is it (the southerly) will be fresh," the BOM's Jane Golding said during Saturday's weather briefing at the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia.

"But the guidance is actually playing around with a lot weaker, so I guess just stay tuned.

"The southerly could be a lot lighter than the current forecast of 15 to 25 knots."


Wild Oats XI skipper Mark Richards said the forecast was more favourable for the entire fleet and he felt conditions would not be too tough.

"It's never fun for anyone to cop a flogging from a good southerly," Richards said.

Breaking his boat's race record isn't at the forefront of his mind.

"Mother Nature waves her magic wand and gives you some good conditions," Richards said.

"All these boats (the four supermaxis) and the Volvo 70s can rack up serious miles quickly in the right conditions.

"With seas and 30 to 35 knot running down the east coast of Tassie you can rack up 200 miles very, very quickly.

"We don't even think about the record."